Welcome to your Stacey's Incredible Kids, LLC family daycare blog. Here you can see your child's updates, menus, pics, videos and all that's going on all in one place. Please keep coming back as this is your source of information. Please feel free to comment and become a follower!
May 29, 2009
Items Needed
Friday's Menu 5-29-09
May 28, 2009
Thursday's Menu 5-28-09
Projects for the week...
Fine Motor-Color the “I Love You” Picture
Cognitive-What do the stars represent on the flag
Fine Motor-Glue the circles tissues into the circles on the paper to form balloons
Cognitive-What color tissue circles did each child glue onto their paper
Library-“Circles” by Dana
Fine Motor-Glue the colored tissue paper onto the flag. Glue the flag onto the Popsicle stick to form a popsicle stick flag.
Gross Motor-Let the children march in a line holding their flag puppet.
Cognitive-Why do we salute the American Flag
Fine Motor-Color the word “circle”. Have the children glue the colored circles around the word “circle”.
Cognitive-Compare and contrast the different colored circles each child used.
May 27, 2009
Reminders and Comments..
June 1st will mark the one year anniversary of Stacey's Incredible Kids, LLC. It's been an interesting year with starting a business and trying to get all the kinks out. We established a blog in August of 2008 and I believe this feature has supported one of it's goals to be different from other daycares and provide a family interaction with your provider. We have worked to changed the misconception that a family daycare is just play with the implementation of a project curriculum.
Some children have left our care but will always have a place in our hearts. I've watched our regulars grow and learn and also pass their own milestones along the way. I hope to continue growing and learning just as our children do.
Though Stacey's Incredible Kids, LLC is not a group daycare or center with assistants and helpers she has been able to keep the doors open without having any sick days or unexpected closures. I hope that I have meet our exceed your expectations and continue to welcome your comments, concerns and advice.
Thank you for being apart of Stacey's Incredible Kids, LLC!
Wednesday's Menu 5-27-09
May 26, 2009
Last minute Field Trip
Friday's Menu 5-22-09
May 21, 2009
Thursday's Menu 5-21-09
May 20, 2009
Wednesday's Menu 5-20-09
New Toys
May 19, 2009
Tuesday's Menu 5-19-09
May 18, 2009
This Week's Projects...
Language-Read the poem to the children
Fine Motor-Glue the hearts around the poem
Fine Motor-Glue the word “love” and heart onto the foam side of the stickers.
Cognitive-Encourage the children to give the sticker to their moms or guardian for Mother’s Day.
Fine Motor-Have the children glue the rhino, upper case R and lower case r onto the construction paper. Glue the mylar on to the rhino.
Gross Motor-Have the children walk on their hands and feet and pretend they are rhinos. What would a rhino sound like? Where do rhinos live?
Science-What do rhinos fee like? Where do rhinos live?
Library-“Red Rogers” by Alan Rogers & “I know a Rhino” By Charles Fuge
Fine Motor-Color the reindeer, upper case R and lower case r. Glue the material onto the reindeer.
Texture- What does the material feel like?
Fine Motor-Let the children color or paint he letter R. Tlk about the color of the letter. Let the children outline the letter with their finger so they can get the feel of the letter.
Monday's Menu 5-18-09
May 15, 2009
Friday's Menu 5-15-09
May 14, 2009
Thursday's Menu 5-14-09
May 13, 2009
Swine Flu Updates
If your child is experiencing any flu-like symptoms, it is important that he or she remain home until the child has gotten better and has been well for two days. In order to reduce the spread of germs, you should avoid taking your children to public gatherings such as the mall or sporting events while they are sick. It is also important to teach your children how to reduce the risk of getting the flu and how to protect others from infections.
General tips for decreasing the spread of germs include:
- Most important: washing your hands often with soap and water, especially after you cough or sneeze. If water is not available, alcohol-based hand sanitizers can be used. Gels, rubs and hand wipes all work well, as long as they contain at least 60% alcohol. Hand wipes must be disposed of properly. Always read and follow label instructions when using hand sanitizer.
- Covering your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze (if a tissue is not available, the crook of the arm).
- Teach your children to keep their hands away from their face and avoid touching their mouth, nose or eyes.
- Carefully dispose of the tissues in a wastebasket, and then wash your hands.
- Do not share drinking cups or food.
While the current situation does not warrant closure, if a confirmed case of swine flu is reported, we may close for several days. I will communicate with you immediately in the event of a closure.
If closed children should be kept home and avoid settings that will put them in close contact with other children. I understand that this may be a challenge for your family, and recommend you plan ahead in case of a closing.
Please say informed. For information about swine flu, visit the DPH's web site at http://www.ct.gov.ctfluwatch/swineflu the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) at www.cdc.gov/flu/swine
Thank you for your cooperation in keeping our children and our daycare healthy.
Wednesday's Menu 5-13-09
May 12, 2009
Projects for the week...
Fine Motor-Stick one black sticker onto the construction paper. Draw legs and a head to create a black spider.
Science-How big are spiders? Why are they weighing so little?
Library-“Are you a Spider” by Tudor Humpfries
Fine Motor-Color the word “Black” and seal black. Glue the black material onto the seal.
Gross Motor-Let the children flop on their bellies like a seal.
Library-“Seals” By Emily Rose & “The Little Seal” by Sue Harris
Fine Motor-Color the work “black”, bear and seal black
Fine Motor-Glue 8 Die-cuts around the number 8. Color the number 8.
Language-Discuss with the children the different types of die cuts each child received
Fine Motor-Color the 8 objects around the number 8
Tuesday's Menu 5-12-09
May 11, 2009
Monday's Menu 5-11-09

Friday's Menu 5-8-09
May 7, 2009
Change of Plans
Thursday's Menu 5-7-09
May 6, 2009
Wednesday's Menu 5-6-09
May 5, 2009
Tuesday's Menu 5-5-09
May 4, 2009
What's going on!
If you haven't noticed we are preparing to paint the living room and hopefully providing a new look and fun surrounding for the daycare. Painting will happen over the weekend of the 16th.
Progress Report
You will be receiving your child's progress reports today! Please feel free to ask any questions or concerns. We have to work together!
The daycare will be closed for vacation on August 31-September 4 and also on September 7 for Labor Day.
I haven't received any orders the last couple of issues. Please let me know if you do not wish to receive these order forms.
Dominic has left again. He was only here on Fridays and now is full time at his current daycare. Currently we have 3 full timers and 1 part-timers here. We have one full time spot available. If you know anyone who is interested please forward my information.
Early Closing....
This Week's Projects...
Language-Read the poem to the children
Fine Motor-Glue the cupcake papers and the stem around the poem
Fine Motor-Glue the fabric onto the cardboard in a quilt pattern. Glue the upper case Q and lower case q onto the cardboard.
Cognitive-Discuss with the children why is there a pattern in the quilt? What makes a pattern?
Library-"The Quilt" by Ann Jonas & "The Quilt Story" by Tony Johnston
Q-Tip Paint
Fine Motor-Use the q-tip to paint a picture on the paper
Texture-How does the q-tip differ from a paint brush
Q Color
Fine Motor-Let the children color or paint the letter Q. Talk about the color of the letter. Let the children outline the letter with their finger so they can get the feel of the letter. Cut out the letter and hang it on the wall so the children can see the whole alphabet.
Mother's Day Plant
Fine Motor-Decorate the pot with the red stickers. Place some dirt into the pot and push a seed down with their finger. Have the children add a little water 2X's a week.. You may want to add a hole to the bottom of the pot to let the excess water drain out.
Cognitive-Have the children give this plat to their moms or guardian for Mother's Day.
Library-"Mother's Day" By Ann Rockwell & "What is Mother's Day?" By Harriet Ziefert