September 29, 2009

Two Upcoming Dates--

October 15-Jones Family Farm Pumpkin picking!! You child will need approximately $5-10 for a pumpkin and apple cider/cookie. We will be leaving @ 10am and will be back by 1pm.

October 30th-We will be celebrating Halloween at the daycare by inviting friends to come over. Parents are asked to bring a bag of treats to share with others and all children to come in costume. We will have stories, pizza for lunch, cake and with weather permitting a treat hunt in the backyard!

Tuesday's Menu 9-29-09

Cinnamon Toast and Bananas
Fishsticks and Cheese
Wheat Bread & Peaches
Graham Crackers

Monday's Menu 9-28-09

Oatmeal and Bananas
Cheese Ravoli with Meat Sauce
Green Beans

Our New Decorations

These are the decorations we had made for Zohar's 3rd birthday party.
Now we have them for our daycare. I think they look AWESOME!

September 25, 2009


New Scholastics order forms are due back by October 7th.
Bring bring in 2 juice bottles and 1 pack of wipes by Thursday.

Creating Zohar's Birthday Decorations

Zohar is having is A-Z birthday party at his home for friends and family and we helped by creating the posters. Hopefully I'll have some pictures of the finished project next week.

Friday's Menu 9-25-09

Oatmeal and Applesauce
Grilled Cheese with Turkey

Thursday's Menu 9-24-09

Cinnomon Toast and Bananas
Hot dogs and French Fries

September 23, 2009

Wednesday's Menu 9-23.09

Waffles and Bananas
Mac & Cheese & Hot Dogs
Green Beans and apples
Crackers and Cheese

September 22, 2009

Tuesday's Menu 9-22-09

Waffles and Bananas
Pizza Bagels and Peaches
Ice cream

September 21, 2009

Monday's Menu 9-21-09

Yogurt and Apples
Egg Salad Sandwich and Peaches
Cheese and Crackers

September 17, 2009

Closing Early

Daycare will be closing early on Tuesday September 22nd.
Please pick up your child by 4:00pm
Sorry for any inconvenience.

Thursday's Menu 9-17-09

Oatmeal and Applesauce
Mac & Cheese with Hot dogs bits
Crackers & peanut butter

September 16, 2009

Wednesday's Menu 9-16-09

Toast & Apples
French Fries and Hot dogs
Graham Crackers

September 15, 2009

Tuesday's Menu 9-15-09

Cheerios and Bananas
Grilled Cheese & Soup
Peas & Carrots

Coming Up! Part II

My appointment was cancelled today and is rescheduled for Thursday at 1:30pm. Nelson will be here.

Preschool curriculum money is due by Friday ($10). For those who are part-timers and would like to opt-out please feel free to bring in an appropriate workbook that your child may work on while the others are doing their projects.

Many of you have or will have reach your 1 year anniversary with Stacey's Incredible Kids LLC. Thank you for reaching this milestone with us- we appricate your busniness! Your annual enrollment fee of $50 for full-timers and $25 for part-timers is due on your anniversary. If you need your anniversary date please feel free to ask.

Zohar will be turning 3!!! We will be celebrating on Friday!

September 14, 2009

Monday's Menu 9-14-09

English Muffins and Bananas
Yellow Rice and Gandules
Pea and Carrots & Apples
Graham Crackers

Coming up!

Scholastic Honeybee and Firefly flyers are in today. They will be due back by the 22nd for October orders!

Tomorrow I have my regular baby doctor's appointment at 10:30am. Nelson will be here at that time.

Fall is near so I ask that all parents go through there children's extra clothing at the daycare and make sure it's weather appropriate and they still fit.

Any child who has pass a birthday milestone will need to have there medical records updated on file. Please ask me for their paperwork in order to take to the doctor with you to be updated.

September 11, 2009

Friday's Menu 9-11-09

Oatmeal and Bananas
Spaghetti and meatballs

September 10, 2009

Attendance Sheets

Please make sure you sign your child in and out each day.
Make sure every line is filled in i.e. date, name of child etc.

Thursday's Menu 9-10-09

Hashbrowns & bananas
Mac & Cheese w/hot dog bits

September 8, 2009

Tuesday's Menu 9-8-09

Oatmeal and Applesauce
Pancakes & Yogurt
Carrot Sticks and Bananas
Cracks and Cheese

Emergency Preparedness.

Focus on Fire: Preparedness

September is National Preparedness Month. Citizens would benefit from learning how to be ready in case of natural or man-made disasters. Preparing in advance can lessen or eliminate deaths, injuries, and property damage. In most types of disasters the risk for fire is increased due to loose electrical wires, broken gas lines, flooding, or the lack of electricity. In addition, fires in residences are a personal disaster striking hundreds of thousands of homes each year. For these reasons, each of us should take the time to find out how to be prepared.

We here at Stacey's Incredible Kids, LLC take safety very seriously. Here are just a few of the many safety features in our home. Most of not required by the state of Connecticut for family daycares, I have noted which are required below (very few). I am first and foremost a parent and understand the importance of keeping my children safe. I have had many of these features in my home before I became licensed. If you have any other suggestions please feel free to let us know.

We also have posted the daycare's emergency evacuation procedures and map of the layout of the emergency exits on the ground floor (There are three emergency exits). If you would like a copy please let me know.

-We have the standard 5 lb fire extinguisher (required by the state of Connecticut) and we also have two others on the ground floor alone.
-Each floor (including the basement) has fire alarms (required by the state of Connecticut). The ground floor also has a carbon monoxide detector.
-The front door, basement doors and sliding doors are all equipped with an alert signal the alerts me if any of the doors open.
-The sliding door also has a safety bar so that the door cannot open unless it is lifted.
-The basement door has a sliding lock higher than the lock already on the door so little hands can't reach.
-On the second floor we have Guardian Angel Window Guards where the children sleep. They are the safest window guard on the market! Others are permanently mounted, which could spell disaster in a fire. This one withstands 150 lbs. of pressure, yet removes easily with emergency release buttons. I would highly recommend for those who have multi-floor homes.
-The second floor also has two fire extinguishers.-The second floor also has two story fire escape ladder which I also recommend.
-We have a emergency preparedness bin in our basement which contains 12 hour glow sticks, emergency blankets, dust masks, multi-tools, solar radio, batteries, manual can opener, water proof matches, rope, gloves, flash lights, water packettes, army food rations and more.
-We also have a fully stocked first aid kit, covers on all outlets and cabinet latches (required by the state of Connecticut).


It was a great week off and a nice break from the norm with my family. Unfortunately yesterday I had a death in my family and will have to travel to Massachusetts tomorrow. Please remember to bring in juice, wipes and diapers for your child on Thursday for the month.