October 1, 2008

September 26, 2008

Hello Mommies and Daddies,

Winter Rules
Now that we have more children at the daycare and winter is on the way here are a couple of rules for drop offs and pickups.
-Due to newly placed weathering strips it is harder to close the door. Please make sure that door is securely closed as you leave.
-Be courteous to our neighbors and do not park in their driveways.
-Please keep your voices down as we do have neighbors that work nights.
-Try to enter quickly and close the door behind you to minimize cold air coming in.
-If our driveway is empty please feel free to use it.
-The door is unlocked in the mornings please do not ring the doorbell. After all the children have arrived the door is locked.
-All shoes and outside clothing are to be taken off and placed behind the door on the shoe rack and hooks.
-To alleviate a crowd by the doorway we have removed toys from the blue cushion cubbie so that children can now sit down and remove or put on articles of clothing.
-Though the daycare is open on snow days please but careful in traveling in ill weather. Up and

Coming Events
-In honor of World Farm Animals Day we will be going on a field trip to Silverman's Rustic Animal Farm on Thursday October 2 at 10:00am located in Easton CT. It should be fun as we have been discussing animals and animal sounds. The admission will be $3 per child. Please dress your child in layers as it would be easier to remove clothing if it gets warm.
-We will be celebrating Lucus' 3rd birthday on Tuesday September 30th with a small cupcake party.
-There will be story time with our club mom friends at our daycare on Friday October 3rd at 10:00am topic to be determined.

-If you haven't already please send in your wipes in bulk. They are not just used for diapers changes. We use after each meal or snack and when we come in from the outdoors.

Here is what your child's menu was this week:

B: French Toast Stick and Peaches
L: Grilled Cheese with hard boiled egg, and corn
S: Cheese Crackers

B: Pancakes with bananas
L: Mini Pizzas with green beans and apricots
S: Graham Crackers

B: Waffles and bananas
L: Spaghetti with tomato sauce and ground beef and plums
S: Yogurt

B: Cereal with apricots
L: Fish sticks and tatter tots with apples
S: Animal Crackers

B: Oatmeal w/applesauce
L: Mac & Cheese with hot dogs and mixed veggies

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