December 9, 2008

Reminder about Fees.....

I would like to remind everyone of fees that they may incur as written in your signed contracts:

LATE FEE: There is a "no pay - no stay" policy. If payment is not received on Monday, or on the first scheduled day if care, or agreed upon day a $10 late fee will be charged daily in addition to that week's daycare fees and your child will not be allowed to attend daycare. Two (2) late payments can be grounds for termination of care. Payment is based on enrollment and not on attendance and needs to be paid when children are gone due to illness, a day off, vacations, holidays, or when daycare is closed.

BOUNCED CHECK FEES: If a check is returned for non-sufficient funds, you will be required to pay a fee of $30.00 plus an additional $10 a day until payment is made in full. After two bounced checks, cash or money order will only be accepted as payment.

LATE PICKUP FEES: Parents will be granted a grace period of 15 minutes after their scheduled pick-up time, after which the following overtime rate, applies: $10 per every 15 minutes the parent is late. Overtime fees are to be paid when the parent arrives to pick up the child or the next day of care. Late pick-up is anything before or beyond the scheduled time that is determined at enrollment and entered on signed agreement. If a child is consistently picked up late or dropped off early you may be asked to find another source of child care that better suits your hours of need.

ANNUAL ENROLLMENT FEE: Please keep in mind that enrollment is on a first come, first serve basis and there is no guarantee that we can hold a spot open for your child without a deposit. An annual enrollment fee of $50.00 per child will be due on or before enrollment and every year on or before your enrollment date. The deposit is non-refundable and is not applied towards the first week tuition.

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