December 22, 2008

What a day!!

What a full day the children and I had at the daycare today! I would like to first thank Zohar's mom Osi for her time and all the Hannukkah items she provided for the children to see, touch, do and take home. She is a great friend and a wonderful teacher for our group. We also had a visit from Karissa and her mom. Who we hope will return for show and tell with her new baby.

We started our day with reading about Hanukkah also known as the festival of lights. A Jewish holiday commemorating the rededication of the Holy Temple in Jerusalem at the time of the Maccabean Revolt. Hanukkah is observed for eight nights by the kindling of the light of a special candelabrum, the nine-branched Hanukiah. One light on each night of the holiday, progressing to eight on the final night. An extra light called a shamash (Hewbrew:"guard" or "servant") is also lit each night and is given a distinct location usually higher or lower than the others. We were lucky enough that Osi brought a Hanukiah (sometimes incorrectly referred to as a Menorah) so that the children could see for themselves.

Afterward we discussed the Dreidel (After lighting the Hanukkah Hanukiah, it is customary in many homes to play) sang and danced to the Dreidal song which Zohar is featured singing in the video I posted below. You can check out the lyrics here:

Shortly after we had the children created there very own Hanukiah with their hand prints (one at a time so not to make a mess!) and colored in an activity booklet that they took home.

After cleanup we took a short break in order that Osi could prepare the Lakas and I had time to make the rest of lunch. There is a custom of eating foods fried or baked in oil (preferably olive oil), as the original miracle involved the discovery of a small flask of pure olive oil used by the Jewish High Priest. This small batch of olive oil was only supposed to last one day, and instead it lasted eight. All I have to say is YUMMY..I can't get enough of them! So sad I have to wait a whole year for them!

In the afternoon everyone woke up from their naps ready to complete the day with some Christmas traditions. They baked and ate sugar cookies, took part in a grab bag and opened the gift that Ms. Stacey gave them. They also got to put up there own photo ornament on our tree.

The children went home with a their hands full today with gifts and a gift bag. I'm sure this special day will become a tradition at the daycare.

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