January 22, 2009

News and Reminders

-Tomorrow we wrap up the color of the week-BLUE. Please dress your child in this color tomorrow. Continue to ask your child how to spell these words and to find these items in your home or on an outing.
-The following children will need diapers for next week: Tre, Hayden & Zohar
-Cabin Fever is starting to set in and I'm hoping to resume our weekly field trips sometime in late Feb-early March. It is very difficult to take the children out in the weather especially when there is still ice and snow on the ground.
-Progress report will be given out next Friday! This will give you a sense of how your child has progressed over the last 3 months. Several of you have stated that their child may be leaving in September for a pre-school program. I do encourage this as it seems the older children in the group are extremely smart and will need more of a learning environment to expand there capabilities. I do ask that you let me know definately by July 1st if your child will not be returning as I will be accumulating a wait list for those spots available.

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