April 15, 2009

House Keeping

Just to make things easier to remember I will ask that everyone (full-timers 3-5 days in care)bring in 2 bottles of juice and 3 packs of wipes on the 1st on each month.

$10 is due this Friday for the May projects. This will now be due at the end of the second week of the month to ensure timely arrival. I hope you are enjoying your child's work as much as they enjoy doing them.

Recently the boys have discovered climbing on anything and everything. Please discuss with your child that furniture is not for jumping or climbing. I also ask that you do not have your child climb the stool by the window to watch you leave as they have become accustomed to spitting on the windows.

If your child has a runny nose please bring in a box of tissue. Reminder: If your child is sick with a fever, diarrhea, uncontrolled coughing, inexplicable or persistent crying, difficulty breathing, wheezing, any other unusual signs for the child or plain miserable please do not send your child to daycare. I will contact you if any of these signs do happen so that you may pick up your child immediately.

I've recently had to stop all trips because my husband's schedule has been changing frequently. Please be aware that some trips may now be schedule on short notice.

It has become apparent that many of the children will rarely eat breakfast lately and much of the food has gone to waste. Please let me know if your child has eaten in the morning.

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