May 4, 2009

This Week's Projects...

Language-Read the poem to the children
Fine Motor-Glue the cupcake papers and the stem around the poem

Fine Motor-Glue the fabric onto the cardboard in a quilt pattern. Glue the upper case Q and lower case q onto the cardboard.
Cognitive-Discuss with the children why is there a pattern in the quilt? What makes a pattern?
Library-"The Quilt" by Ann Jonas & "The Quilt Story" by Tony Johnston

Q-Tip Paint
Fine Motor-Use the q-tip to paint a picture on the paper
Texture-How does the q-tip differ from a paint brush

Q Color
Fine Motor-Let the children color or paint the letter Q. Talk about the color of the letter. Let the children outline the letter with their finger so they can get the feel of the letter. Cut out the letter and hang it on the wall so the children can see the whole alphabet.

Mother's Day Plant
Fine Motor-Decorate the pot with the red stickers. Place some dirt into the pot and push a seed down with their finger. Have the children add a little water 2X's a week.. You may want to add a hole to the bottom of the pot to let the excess water drain out.
Cognitive-Have the children give this plat to their moms or guardian for Mother's Day.
Library-"Mother's Day" By Ann Rockwell & "What is Mother's Day?" By Harriet Ziefert

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