June 4, 2009

This Week's Projects...

Our projects came in a bit late this week so we will have double the projects for next week

Fine Motor-Glue the squirrel, upper case S and lower case s onto the construction paper. Glue the gray yarn onto the squirrel's tail to make it fluffy. Draw a face onto the squirrel.
Texture-What does a squirrel's tail feel like? Does the yarn feel like a squirrel's tail?
Library-"The Busy Little Squirrel" By Nancy Tafuri & "Earl the Squirrel" By Don Freeman

Fine Motor-Color the sun, upper case S and lower case s. Glue the yellow mylar in the middle of the sun.
Texture-What does the yellow mylar feel like? Is it smooth or rough?
Science-What color is the sun? Is the sun hot or cold? How big is the sun? What time of day does the sun rise and set?
Library "Sun Up, Sun Down" by Gail Gibbon & "Wake Up, Sun!" By David L. Harrison

Fine Motor-Let the children color or paint the letter S. Talk about the color of the letter Let the children outline the letter with their finger so they can get the feel of the letter.

Fine Motor-Glue the upper case T. lower case t and train onto the construction paper. Stick three round stickers onto the train wheels.
Math-Count the trains wheels. How fast does a train go?
Library-"The goodnight Train" by June Sobel & "I Love Trains" by Philemon Sturges

Fine Motor-Color the tractor, upper case T and lower case t. Stick the circles on the top of the smokestack to crate smoke.
Cognitive-Has the child/children ridden a tractor on a bumpy road?
Library-"The Rusty, Trusty Tractor" by Joy Cowley & "Touch and Feel Tractor" by D.K. Publishing

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