March 2, 2010

Back in Action

Now that the daycare is back in full swing I would like to start some educational curriculum with the children again. This time we will have an hour or so of project based on colors, numbers, sizes and shapes, letters and sounds... We have started some of this curriculum already and would love if parents would encourage children to rely colors and numbers back to them on a daily basis as repetition helps.

I would ask that each child bring in a composition notebook (black and white), a box of crayons and a small glue.. Everyday completed worksheets and projects will be put into there notebook. These will be left in there bins so that parents can see there progress everyday and ask questions at home with there children of what they have learned. I may also have weekend assignments where the notebooks can be taken home over the weekend and complete projects will be due when they return to daycare the following week.

Scholastics are in and orders are due by on March 12th

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