October 17, 2008

October 17, 2008

I was able to convert the bench into individual cubbies for the children's belongings. All full-timers will have their own colored bin labeled with their name. Part-timers will share theirs with another child. Any notes to parents for replenishment of supplies, concerns, receipts etc will be placed in their bin or notebooks.

I would like to thank all the parents who have donated toys or items to the daycare! We really appreciate and use everything.

We have yet another part-timer starting this Wednesday. His name is Hayden and he is 2. He will be here Wednesdays thru Fridays. The addition of Hayden will have the daycare completely FULL! It's exciting since it has taken almost 5 months to start the daycare and get licensed and it has taken almost that long to fill it. We do have one after school spot available.

-I would like to invite the moms to a dinner hosted at my house on Thursday, October 23rd at 7:30pm. I've also invited the moms from the mommy group to join us. Please let me know if you will be joining us and if you would like to bring something. It will be great to have some adult conversation and food. Moms Only Please.
-We will be going to Barnes and Nobles in Milford on October 23rd for story time. The reader reads 3 or 4 stories related to a theme. Then there is an activity and song/dance. I guess you can say it's similar to our story time but instead we are getting out!

-Cold season is here and it seem many of the children have runny noses already (Including myself). Please provide a box of soft tissues to wipe their little noses. I have been teaching the older children to sneeze into their arm as not to spread germs. I will be posting the sick policy on the blog. If you have any questions about what our procedures are for sick children please free free to email or talk with me.
-Please bring juice for this week.


B: French toast stick w.bananas
L: Cheeseburgers, french fries and mixed fruit
S: Peanut butter crackers* (cheese crackers for those with allergies)

B: Pancakes w.bananas
L: Meatloaf w.potatoes and green beans
S: Animal crackers

B: Cinnamon Toast w.apples
L: Mac and cheese w.hot dog bits, green beans and applesauce
S: Raisins

B: Chocolate chip pancakes w.bananas
L: Fish sticks w.mixed veggies and cheese, wheat bread and apricots
S: Graham Crackers

B: Toast w.cheese and Mandarin oranges
L: Scrambled eggs and cheese w.mixed veggies toast and apples
S: Muffins

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