October 19, 2008

Sick Policy Information

Sick Policy
We are under very strict guidelines regarding disease control; hence there may be times when we are either forced to send an ill child home, or not to accept an ill child into care. For that reason, parents would be wise to have a plan for alternate care. If a child becomes ill at the daycare, we will do everything possible to comfort the child until the parent or emergency contact person arrives to take the child home. The child will have to be isolated from the other children and rest in a room in a quiet place. You will be expected to pick up your child immediately. (We are not equipped to handle sick children)

Parents will be notified and required to remove the child immediately if a child exhibits any of the following symptoms:

  • Fever of 101 ◦F. The temperature must have been down to normal for a 24-hour period before the child returns.
  • Symptoms and signs of possible severe illness, such as lethargy that is more than expected tiredness, uncontrolled coughing, inexplicable or persistent crying, difficulty breathing, wheezing or other unusual signs for the child
  • No child will be permitted to stay with diarrhea or any flu-like symptoms. The symptoms must have been back to normal for a 24-hour period before the child may return.
  • Vomiting
  • Difficulty in swallowing
  • Mouth sores unless doctor determines that the child is not contagious
  • Unexplained spots or rashes
  • Conjunctivitis (defined as the whites of the eye being pink or red and having white, yellow or green discharge from the eyes)
  • Head Lice - Child must remain home until treated and nit free.
  • Any other symptoms which, in the opinion of the caregiver, indicate the possible presence of contagious disease such as chicken pox, measles, impetigo, etc.

Parents will be notified of contagious diseases affecting the children at the center. This information will be conveyed via a letter to each family. A child with a communicable disease will NOT be readmitted into care until the period of contamination has passed, or until the child has fully recovered from his or her illness. Parents of all children in care are required to complete and submit to the caregiver a child medical report.

Your child may be brought to day care with a common cold (which means a slight cough and a clear runny nose, and sneezing). However, I will call if your child is just plain miserable (whining, crying, repeatedly asking for you). The provider reserves the right to determine when a child should be sent home. If you are unsure whether your child is well enough to attend daycare, please call me so we can discuss the symptoms and make a decision on the phone. PLEASE do not mask your child's symptoms with over-the-counter medications. A sick child should be allowed to recuperate fully at home after an illness so that other children and the provider do not risk unnecessary exposure. If your child is out for an illness regular daycare fees still apply. Please call me one hour before your normal drop off time if your child will not be attending daycare on any given day.

Administer Medications

I will not administer any type of medication except non-prescription topical medications . These nonprescription topical medications must be accompanied by a signed consent form (see attached) and stored in its original container.

Diaper changing ointments free of antibiotic, antifungal, or steroidal components;
Medicated powders; and
Teething medications

Although I am trained in infant and toddler CPR, basic first aid, and recognition of communicable childhood diseases, I do not pretend to be a doctor, and will not under any circumstances provide any medications, including vitamins. It is also very important for me to be aware of ANY medications your child is being given at home so please keep me informed.

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