October 31, 2008

October 31, 2008

Keeping the child care environment clean and orderly is very important for health, safety, and the emotional well-being of both children and providers. Once a month, a thorough sanitizing of all toys and furniture surfaces, is done with disinfecting wipes and/or Lysol spray. Usually if colds are rampant I will do a sanitizing weekly until everyone is better. During the week there is a general wipe down of all items that the children are most likely to have close contact. These include toys that children put in their mouths, food preparation areas, and surfaces likely to become very contaminated with germs, such as diaper-changing areas and door knobs. All bedding, stuffed animals and material objects are also washed in a hot water cycle. I take cleanliness seriously for my own health and the health of my own family. I know how hard it is to take care of a sick child and have to take time off work to watch them. I wanted to put everyone at ease that I do everything possible to make sure your child is healthy and happy but the fact is colds are inevitable.

-We had two reported a cases of pink eye this week. I’m happy to report that no one else has contracted it and hopefully all the little runny noses will come to a stop soon.
-Today you will be receiving a progress report on your child. Consider this your child’s first report card. It consists of various skills that each child will eventually master before they head to school. I will be updating these reports every 3 months, so that you can see how your child is developing, what s/he is working on, and what needs improvement. Feel free to ask me any questions.

Up and Coming Events
My husband is off on vacation this coming week so we will be going on local field trips that have yet to be determined (i.e. mall, movies, etc). I will let you know that night before or the day of where we plan to go and if there are any costs associated with the trip.

-Tuesday is Election Day. We are opened. Get out there and vote!
-Scholastic orders for November and December Honeybees (Toddlers to Fours) catalogs are due by November 14th. There are some great holiday books and items to give as gifts! I encourage all parents to read with your children every day. It’s amazing how much they enjoy story time. I believe it’s the only time they actually sit and pay attention together as a group.

Menu for the week:

B: Cinnamon Toast w. grapes
L: Mashed Potatoes, chicken cutlets, green beans
S: Animal Crackers

B: Pancakes w. bananas
L: Chicken Nuggets, French Fries, Wheat bread and mixed veggies
S: Graham crackers

B: Toast and apples
L: Fish sticks, wheat bread, corn and grapes
S: cheese crackers

B: Cheerios w. bananas
L: Spaghetti and meatballs and apples
S: Mozzarella sticks

B: Oatmeal and apples
L: Turkey and cheese Sandwich, grapes, carrots

October 29, 2008

This Friday--Halloween Plans

This Friday we closed at 3:00pm. We will be changing our schedule to fit most of the things I would like the kids to do. Make sure your little goblin in dressed for fun! Here is a list of things we hope to accomplish:
  • Making a collage of the leaves we collected
  • Creating a paper bag ghost
  • Coloring Halloween theme worksheets
  • pictures outside (if the weather permits otherwise inside)
  • devouring yummy treats bought in by the parents and Ms. Stacey

Usually the children receive snacks and then go down for naps around 11:00am. Friday I will be pushing back naps until 1pm after lunch so I suspect most will be sleeping by the time they are to be picked up.

October 27, 2008


One of the children in the daycare has been diagnosed with conjunctivitis, an eye infection commonly referred to as "pink eye." This is a contagious infection of the eye and though the child has not been to the daycare since Friday please be aware of any sign or symptoms in your child.

The eye is generally red with some burning, and there may be some yellow drainage. The child must be kept at home for 24 hours once treatment has begun. If after 24 hours there is excessive drainage, the child will not be admitted to the daycare until the drainage has stopped.

You can look here more information about conjunctivitis http://kidshealth.org/parent/infections/eye/conjunctivitis.html

If you have any questions please feel free to ask.

October 24, 2008

I hope that everyone is enjoying the new features, i.e. email updates, or the blog as much as I am. Please remember to become a follower of the blog! For those of you who would like to leave a review for Stacey’s Incredible Kids, LLC please do so here: http://www.childcareratingz.com/ShowRatings.jsp?tcvid=44113

It is now easier for you to get in contact with me during the day. It is sometimes hard for me to answer the phone but now I have a laptop and can periodically check and answer emails to parents concerning children. I do update parents regularly if their child is feeling under the weather or if I have any concerns. Contact me anytime at staceysincrediblekids@hotmail.com

Up and Coming Events
-We are going to the movies on October 28th at 10:00 at the Connecticut Post 14 in Milford. The feature is Spookley the Square Pumpkin. The cost is $4.00 per ticket. They also offer a $4.00 kid’s concession combo which is optional, if you prefer just send their regular snack and a portable juice box.
-Please dress your child up in their Halloween costume this Friday as we will be taking pictures and working on fun Halloween crafts. Please feel free to bring a Halloween treat for the group (There are a total of 6 children). I believe Zohar’s mommy is already bringing cupcakes.


-Online scholastic orders and monies are due this Monday. If you are not comfortable using online please feel free to write down your order and I will submit.
-They daycare will be CLOSING EARLY on October 31st. Your child must be picked up no later than 3:00pm.

Menu for the week:
B: Cinnamon Toast sticks w. bananas
L: Chicken Nuggets, rice, broccoli, and pears
S: Animal Crackers

B: Chocolate chip pancakes w. bananas
L: Cheese Cubes, raisin Bread, apples chucks, banana slices and yogurt
S: Goldfish

B: Cinnamon Toast w. apples and raisins
L: Spaghetti and ground beef w. three cheese tomato sauce and grapes
S: Graham Crackers

B: Cheerios w.bananas
L: Mac & Cheese, Hot Dogs, Mixed Veggies, applesauce
S: Muffins

B: Scrambled eggs and toast
L: Spanish Rice w.chicken, Corn, Apples

October 20, 2008

Change of Plans

This Thursdays trip to Barnes and Nobles has been cancelled. Instead we will be taking a nature walk around the block to collect leaves for a fall project.

October 19, 2008

Halloween Photo Opp

I am hosting a Halloween Photo Opp in my backyard at 11:00am...
Bring your child in full costume and have some shots of your little gobblen.
Photos will be sent via Kodakgallery.com for your to purchase on your own.
Please let me know if you will be attending as this meeting was originally for the group I normally take pictures and I wanted to extend the invitation to the parents of the daycare. There will be a wait as there are approximately 10 children coming.
There will be a $2 charge per kid.

Sick Policy Information

Sick Policy
We are under very strict guidelines regarding disease control; hence there may be times when we are either forced to send an ill child home, or not to accept an ill child into care. For that reason, parents would be wise to have a plan for alternate care. If a child becomes ill at the daycare, we will do everything possible to comfort the child until the parent or emergency contact person arrives to take the child home. The child will have to be isolated from the other children and rest in a room in a quiet place. You will be expected to pick up your child immediately. (We are not equipped to handle sick children)

Parents will be notified and required to remove the child immediately if a child exhibits any of the following symptoms:

  • Fever of 101 ◦F. The temperature must have been down to normal for a 24-hour period before the child returns.
  • Symptoms and signs of possible severe illness, such as lethargy that is more than expected tiredness, uncontrolled coughing, inexplicable or persistent crying, difficulty breathing, wheezing or other unusual signs for the child
  • No child will be permitted to stay with diarrhea or any flu-like symptoms. The symptoms must have been back to normal for a 24-hour period before the child may return.
  • Vomiting
  • Difficulty in swallowing
  • Mouth sores unless doctor determines that the child is not contagious
  • Unexplained spots or rashes
  • Conjunctivitis (defined as the whites of the eye being pink or red and having white, yellow or green discharge from the eyes)
  • Head Lice - Child must remain home until treated and nit free.
  • Any other symptoms which, in the opinion of the caregiver, indicate the possible presence of contagious disease such as chicken pox, measles, impetigo, etc.

Parents will be notified of contagious diseases affecting the children at the center. This information will be conveyed via a letter to each family. A child with a communicable disease will NOT be readmitted into care until the period of contamination has passed, or until the child has fully recovered from his or her illness. Parents of all children in care are required to complete and submit to the caregiver a child medical report.

Your child may be brought to day care with a common cold (which means a slight cough and a clear runny nose, and sneezing). However, I will call if your child is just plain miserable (whining, crying, repeatedly asking for you). The provider reserves the right to determine when a child should be sent home. If you are unsure whether your child is well enough to attend daycare, please call me so we can discuss the symptoms and make a decision on the phone. PLEASE do not mask your child's symptoms with over-the-counter medications. A sick child should be allowed to recuperate fully at home after an illness so that other children and the provider do not risk unnecessary exposure. If your child is out for an illness regular daycare fees still apply. Please call me one hour before your normal drop off time if your child will not be attending daycare on any given day.

Administer Medications

I will not administer any type of medication except non-prescription topical medications . These nonprescription topical medications must be accompanied by a signed consent form (see attached) and stored in its original container.

Diaper changing ointments free of antibiotic, antifungal, or steroidal components;
Medicated powders; and
Teething medications

Although I am trained in infant and toddler CPR, basic first aid, and recognition of communicable childhood diseases, I do not pretend to be a doctor, and will not under any circumstances provide any medications, including vitamins. It is also very important for me to be aware of ANY medications your child is being given at home so please keep me informed.

October 17, 2008

October 17, 2008

I was able to convert the bench into individual cubbies for the children's belongings. All full-timers will have their own colored bin labeled with their name. Part-timers will share theirs with another child. Any notes to parents for replenishment of supplies, concerns, receipts etc will be placed in their bin or notebooks.

I would like to thank all the parents who have donated toys or items to the daycare! We really appreciate and use everything.

We have yet another part-timer starting this Wednesday. His name is Hayden and he is 2. He will be here Wednesdays thru Fridays. The addition of Hayden will have the daycare completely FULL! It's exciting since it has taken almost 5 months to start the daycare and get licensed and it has taken almost that long to fill it. We do have one after school spot available.

-I would like to invite the moms to a dinner hosted at my house on Thursday, October 23rd at 7:30pm. I've also invited the moms from the mommy group to join us. Please let me know if you will be joining us and if you would like to bring something. It will be great to have some adult conversation and food. Moms Only Please.
-We will be going to Barnes and Nobles in Milford on October 23rd for story time. The reader reads 3 or 4 stories related to a theme. Then there is an activity and song/dance. I guess you can say it's similar to our story time but instead we are getting out!

-Cold season is here and it seem many of the children have runny noses already (Including myself). Please provide a box of soft tissues to wipe their little noses. I have been teaching the older children to sneeze into their arm as not to spread germs. I will be posting the sick policy on the blog. If you have any questions about what our procedures are for sick children please free free to email or talk with me.
-Please bring juice for this week.


B: French toast stick w.bananas
L: Cheeseburgers, french fries and mixed fruit
S: Peanut butter crackers* (cheese crackers for those with allergies)

B: Pancakes w.bananas
L: Meatloaf w.potatoes and green beans
S: Animal crackers

B: Cinnamon Toast w.apples
L: Mac and cheese w.hot dog bits, green beans and applesauce
S: Raisins

B: Chocolate chip pancakes w.bananas
L: Fish sticks w.mixed veggies and cheese, wheat bread and apricots
S: Graham Crackers

B: Toast w.cheese and Mandarin oranges
L: Scrambled eggs and cheese w.mixed veggies toast and apples
S: Muffins

October 13, 2008

A word on Toilet Training.....

Toilet training will be handled in a relaxed manner when the child is ready to begin training. When you think your child is ready to potty train please let me know and we can work together to make the transitions from diapers to potty as easy as possible.

I define readyness when the CHILD is able to let me know VERBALLY that they need to use the potty.

15 Signs of Potty Training Readiness

Your child is ready for potty training when he or she:
1. Has bowel movements at about the same time every day
2. Can stay dry for a few hours or wakes up dry from sleep
3. Knows that he/she has to go to the bathroom
4. Understands the association between dry pants and using the potty
5. Can pull her pants up and down
6. Lets you know when he/she has soiled his/her diaper (likes to stay dry)
7. Can follow simple directions like, "lets go to the potty"
8. Understands potty training terms (wet, dry, pee, poop, dirty and potty)
9. Can tell you he/she has to go to the bathroom
10. Imitates other family members
11. Shows interest and asks question while watching you
12. Wants to do things "by myself"
13. Enjoys washing his/her hands (like to be clean)
14. Gets upset if his/her belongings are not in their proper place
15. Wants to please you!

I do not use potty-chairs, I use adapters to an adult toilet. Any soiled clothing will be placed in a plastic bag to go home to be laundered. Please let us know when sending your child training pants so that we are prepared.

Potty training should begin at home over a long weekend or holiday. (HINT: The next long weekend would be Thanksgiving!!) Once you have had success at home for at least a week, your child may begin wearing pull ups at child care. You MUST provide me with at least 2 complete changes of clothing for your child. Under no circumstances will your child be allowed to potty train in regular underwear. This is for sanitary reasons! Regular underwear cannot contain urine and feces to prevent the spread of germs in my home, to other children in care and to my family. Please cooperate with me on this matter. Also, if you begin training, please notify me so that I can continue with all the work you have accomplished. Further, if within 1-2 weeks, your child shows no signs of progress or interest, I reserve the right to put your child back in diapers & try again in a few weeks.

NOTE: Pullups do not hold much urine/feces. If you continue to use pullups when your child is not ready there may be accidents. Your child will have to be changed more often and unfortunately pullups are more costly than diapers.

Please keep in mind that the activity level here can distract your child from responding to an urge to use the potty, more so than at your home. Therefore, I will continue to use diapers or pull-ups until your child can and will announce that he/she must use the bathroom (not just at home, but here, also) and can control his/her bladder and bowels for a few minutes beyond that announcement. Because of the number of children in my care and the fact I have no assistant I cannot bring your child to use the bathroom every hour thus the reason for the required verbal sign from your child needed to start potty training.

During toilet learning parents will need to supply:
• three complete changes of clothing (socks included)
• diapers or pull-ups for naptime.
Do not bring your child in panties or underwear until he/she has naptime and bedtime control established.

I also ask that during toilet learning, the child be dressed in "user-friendly" clothing as much as possible. The best items are shorts and pants with elastic waists, or dresses for girls.

AVOID: tight clothing, undershirt with snaps, pants with snaps and zippers, belts, and overalls . Sweatpant work great! Your child will want to help pull pants, etc. up and down, plus clothing with too many "gadgets" makes it harder to get the child on the potty in time.

October 10, 2008

Your books have ARRIVED!!

Our first order of scholastic books are here! So excited as we received some new books for the daycare! Can wait to read to the kids! New Order forms for this month will be send home today.

October 9, 2008


After reading three books the boys all decided that they wanted to continue storytime. It was so sweet to watch them all go to there own spots and pick there own books and start reading. AND I DIDN'T TELL THEM TOO!

October 10, 2008

The weather is getting cooler but we still go outside at least once a day even if it’s only for 30 minutes. Please make sure you dress your child appropriately. We have already tested our heating system and everything is A-OK! We will normally leave the temperature at 65 degrees but since I'm always freezing our home will usually be on the warmer side.

It’s great to take the kids out on field trips. Because we are now a large group trips are scheduled on my husband’s days off (Tuesdays and Thursdays) so that I have a helping hand. It's always nice to see parents during our field trip you are always welcome. If any parents have any suggestions on kid-friendly places to go, that aren’t expensive, during the winter months please let me know.

-We have a new full-timer who started Tuesday. His name is Izaiah and he is 2 1/2. I’m happy to say that he has filled our last full time spot and each child has a little buddy almost the same age. It’s been interesting watching them figure out the pecking order but within a day they were all in a groove.

Up and Coming Events
-We are going to the Trumbull mall play area on Thursday October 16th
-Story-time with our mommy group friends is October 17th

Menu for the week:

B: French Toast Sticks and Bananas
L: Spaghetti with Ground Beef and tomato sauce and apricots
S: Goldfish

B: Pancakes with Applesauce
L: Fish sticks w/bread, corn, grapes
S: Muffins

B: Cinnamon Toast w/Bananas
L: Breaded chicken Breast, mashed Potatoes, Green Beans
S: Jello

B: Cereal w/bananas
L: Grilled Cheese, Green Beans, Mixed Fruit
S: Apples

B: Toast and apples
L: Chicken nuggets with French Fries, and Pears

Ring around the Rosie

Here is a cute video of the boys dancing to Ring around the Rosie. It's interesting that everyone from the oldest to the youngest knows what to do!

October 2, 2008

October 3, 2008


Introducing the newest place to get all your weekly information and updates! I thought it would be cool to be able to look back at anything you needed all in one place. I’ve included all the past weekly emails along with pictures. Let me know what you think! You can even post comments and become a follower of the blog and have your picture added.

-Unfortunately, Jacob the part-timer who was supposed to start last week was a no-show. So there are still spots open for full and part-timers.
-The daycare will be closing early on Halloween, October 31st so that I may go to a doctor’s appointment. All children must be picked up no later than 3:00pm. Sorry for any inconvenience.

To our youngest group members Aiden and Tre for the big accomplishment of drinking out of cups! Yes, there has been a spill here and there but not as many as you would think. Sippy cups are still used for field trips or if they do not want to sit at the table.

Up and Coming Events
Because of the Jewish holiday my whole family and the daycare will be going pumpkin picking on October 9th at Jones Family Farm located at 606 Walnut Tree Hill Road, in Shelton. We invite any family members to come with us. The charge would be $5 which would cover the cost of a small pumpkin and the hay ride. If you prefer your child pick a larger pumpkin the cost would be $10. Of course we will have cameras on hand for all the fun!

-We are open for Columbus Day and Yom Kippur
-Please bring juice on Monday

Here is what your child's menu was this week:
B: French Toast Sticks and Peaches
L: Scrambled Eggs w/cheese, toast, peas & carrots and bananas
S: Animal Crackers

B: Waffles with bananas
L: Hot Dogs on wheat bread, French fries, raisins and green beans
S: Goldfish

B: Pancakes and bananas
L: Crackers w/peanut butter cheese, yogurt and apples
S: Graham Crackers

B: Oatmeal w/applesauce
L: Turkey and cheese sandwich w/bananas (Given at the animal farm)
Cheese pasta, corn and hotdogs bits (given at the daycare after there long naps)
S: Yogurt

B: Cheerios w/apples
L: Chicken nuggets with Tatter tots, Green Beans and Peaches

October 1, 2008

September 26, 2008--Part II

This week's storytime theme is self esteem. We will be looking in our mirrors and looking at ourselves.
The book: I like Myself by Karen Beaumont
About the book:
High on energy and imagination, this ode to self-esteem encourages kids to appreciate everything about themselves--inside and out. Messy hair? Beaver breath? So what! Here's a little girl who knows what really matters.At once silly and serious, Karen Beaumont's joyous rhyming text and David Catrow's wild illustrations unite in a book that is sassy, soulful--and straight from the heart.

September 26, 2008

Hello Mommies and Daddies,

Winter Rules
Now that we have more children at the daycare and winter is on the way here are a couple of rules for drop offs and pickups.
-Due to newly placed weathering strips it is harder to close the door. Please make sure that door is securely closed as you leave.
-Be courteous to our neighbors and do not park in their driveways.
-Please keep your voices down as we do have neighbors that work nights.
-Try to enter quickly and close the door behind you to minimize cold air coming in.
-If our driveway is empty please feel free to use it.
-The door is unlocked in the mornings please do not ring the doorbell. After all the children have arrived the door is locked.
-All shoes and outside clothing are to be taken off and placed behind the door on the shoe rack and hooks.
-To alleviate a crowd by the doorway we have removed toys from the blue cushion cubbie so that children can now sit down and remove or put on articles of clothing.
-Though the daycare is open on snow days please but careful in traveling in ill weather. Up and

Coming Events
-In honor of World Farm Animals Day we will be going on a field trip to Silverman's Rustic Animal Farm on Thursday October 2 at 10:00am located in Easton CT. It should be fun as we have been discussing animals and animal sounds. The admission will be $3 per child. Please dress your child in layers as it would be easier to remove clothing if it gets warm.
-We will be celebrating Lucus' 3rd birthday on Tuesday September 30th with a small cupcake party.
-There will be story time with our club mom friends at our daycare on Friday October 3rd at 10:00am topic to be determined.

-If you haven't already please send in your wipes in bulk. They are not just used for diapers changes. We use after each meal or snack and when we come in from the outdoors.

Here is what your child's menu was this week:

B: French Toast Stick and Peaches
L: Grilled Cheese with hard boiled egg, and corn
S: Cheese Crackers

B: Pancakes with bananas
L: Mini Pizzas with green beans and apricots
S: Graham Crackers

B: Waffles and bananas
L: Spaghetti with tomato sauce and ground beef and plums
S: Yogurt

B: Cereal with apricots
L: Fish sticks and tatter tots with apples
S: Animal Crackers

B: Oatmeal w/applesauce
L: Mac & Cheese with hot dogs and mixed veggies

September 19, 2008

Hello Mommies and Daddies,

Today's Playdate
Story time went extremely well! I believe the story Brown Bear, Brown Bear What do you see? is everyone's favorite. If you don't have it you should pick up a copy at the library and see how well your child enjoys it. We make the animals noises after each page and even the little ones get involved.

New Additions
I know a few weeks ago I had posted a boy would be starting full time but the parents never called again to sign the contracts. Please welcome this week our three new additions:
-Jacob is 2yrs/4mths old and will be here on Wed & Fri 8:30-4:30pm. He was supposed to start last week but changed at the last minute to this week (cross your fingers).
-Zohar will be 2yrs old on Saturday. Most of you have meet him and his parents. His mom is a good friend I've had the pleasure of meeting through Club MOM and his dad is the daycare's lawyer. Zohar will be here from Monday-Thursday from 9am-2pm but will be starting this week on Tuesday.
-Karissa will be 2yrs old on Sunday (there goes the boys club!). Her mother is also from Club MOM. Karissa will be here on Mondays and Tuesdays from 7:30am-4:30pm until December when her mother is due with her second child.

As you can image next week's schedule will be thrown out the window as the new kids need to learn how to adjust to their new environment and schedule. I'm sure there will be more than one tear shed while they all figure out how to share. Not to mention how to deal with the new adult figure in their life! By the end of the week I'm hopeful they will get how things run and fit right in.If you have any questions, suggestions or concerns please feel free to bring them up to me anytime.

-Juice will be needed next week from everyone
-Monday is National Family Day! A day to eat dinner with your children.

Here is what your child's menu was this week:

B: Waffles w/bananas
L: Beef Patty w/cheese, corn and Mandarin Oranges
S: Crackers

B: French Toast Sticks w/applesauce
L: Mac and cheese w/hot dog bits, broccoli and apples
S: Graham Crackers

B: Pancakes & bananas
L: Meatloaf, mashed potatoes, green beans and peaches
S: Goldfish

B: Cereal with peaches
L: Scrambled eggs w/cheese toast Mandarin oranges
S: Cheese Crackers

B: Oatmeal w/applesauce
L: Fishsticks w/cheese and bread, strings beans and apples

September 12, 2008--Part II

This Friday is storytime. Please feel free to bring your own teddy bear! Here are the stories we will be reading below:

Brown Bear Brown Bear What do you see? by Bill Martin Jr.
About the story:
The repetition and colorful illustrations in this classic picture book by Bill Martin Jr, make it a favorite of many children. On each page, we meet a new animal who helps us discover which creature will show up next. "Brown Bear, Brown Bear what do you see? I see a redbird looking at me...". This pattern is repeated over and over, until the pre-reader can join in with the reader, easily predicting the next lines. Giggles and raised eyebrows will accompany the story as the animals become stranger and stranger (a purple cat!?).

Brave Bear by Kathy Mallat
About the story:
Bear sees a young bird fall from its nest and wants to bring the feathery fellow home. But can Bear climb high enough? In this warm and fuzzy fable with sweet-tempered art, the hopeful hero thinks he can - and does.

September 12, 2008

Hello Mommies and Daddies,

Focus on Fire: Preparedness

September is National Preparedness Month. Citizens would benefit from learning how to be ready in case of natural or man-made disasters. Preparing in advance can lessen or eliminate deaths, injuries, and property damage. In most types of disasters the risk for fire is increased due to loose electrical wires, broken gas lines, flooding, or the lack of electricity. In addition, fires in residences are a personal disaster striking hundreds of thousands of homes each year. For these reasons, each of us should take the time to find out how to be prepared. I will be sending home with your child a booklet on protecting your family from fire, a Sesame Street fire safety station color and learn book and a winter fires (safety tips for the home) newsletter. The following information will assist you and your family in taking the important steps necessary to prepare for the possibility of fire in your home.

We here at Stacey's Incredible Kids, LLC take safety very seriously. Here are just a few of the many safety features in our home. Most of not required by the state of Connecticut for family daycares, I have noted which are required below (very few). I am first and foremost a parent and understand the importance of keeping my children safe. I have had many of these features in my home before I became licensed. If you have any other suggestions please feel free to let us know. You can read more information on emergency preparedness here: http://www.ct.gov/dph/lib/dph/communications/pdf/preparedness12pg.pdf

-We now have posted the daycare's emergency evacuation procedures and map of the layout of the emergency exits on the ground floor (There are three emergency exits). If you would like a copy please let me know.
-We have the standard 5 lb fire extinguisher (required by the state of Connecticut) and we also have two others on the ground floor alone.
-Each floor (including the basement) has fire alarms (required by the state of Connecticut). The ground floor also has a carbon monoxide detector.
-The front door, basement doors and sliding doors are all equipped with an alert signal the alerts me if any of the doors open.
-The sliding door also has a safety bar so that the door cannot open unless it is lifted. We installed on the basement door sliding lock high than the lock already on the door.
-On the second floor we have Guardian Angel Window Guards where the children sleep. They are the safest window guard on the market! Others are permanently mounted, which could spell disaster in a fire. This one withstands 150 lbs. of pressure, yet removes easily with emergency release buttons. I would highly recommend for those who have multi-floor homes.
-The second floor also has two fire extinguishers.
-The second floor also has two story fire escape ladder which I also recommend.
-We also have a emergency preparedness bin in our basement which contains 12 hour glow sticks, emergency blankets, dust masks, multi-tools, solar radio, batteries, manual can opener, water proof matches, rope, gloves, flash lights, water packettes, army food rations and more.
We also have a fully stocked first aid kit, covers on all outlets and cabinet latches (required by the state of Connecticut).

Reminders: -The September book order is due September 17th. If you know of anyone who would like to orders books please feel free to ask me for more order forms. Every parent orders means bonus points and FREE books and resources for the daycare.

If you have any suggestions, questions or concerns please feel free to ask.

Here is what your child's menu was like this week:

B: Waffles w/bananas
L: Fresh Warm Turkey Slices, Mashed Potatoes w/Cauliflower and Garlic Cheese biscuit
S: Animal Crackers

B: Cheerios and Bananas
L: Fishsticks w/cheese, bread, peas & carrots, apples
S: Goldfish

B: Pancakes & apples
L: Cheese Raviolo w/meat sauce, green beans & corn, plums
S: Yogurt

B: Oatmeal & applesauce
L: Chicken Nuggets, Tatter tots, Peas & Carrots, Apples
S: Cheese Crackers

B: French Toast w/oranges
L: Spaghetti and Meatballs, plums
S: Graham Crackers

September 5, 2008

Hello Mommies and Daddies,

Do you remember when you were in school and received your book order forms?! Well I joined scholastics so that my daycare parents can order great books at great prices. Some as cheap as a $1 . I have received two types of catalogs: The first is called Honeybees which contains books for toddler i.e. Children's First Picture Books, Board Books, and Learning Materials! The second is called flyflies for preschoolers which contains Great Read-Alouds, Picture Books, and Hands-On Learning Materials! The September book order is due September 17th.

We have a new attendance sheet. Now I ask that you sign your name when you drop off AND take your child. If you haven't done so already please fill in your signatures. Thanks!

-We are going to a trip to the Beardsley Zoo this Tuesday! This program for children ages 18 months to three years (who are accompanied by an adult) may include stories, games, crafts and a live animal presentation. This session, entitled: Where Do I Live?? will focus on animal habitats. The cost is $15 per child. If you would like to accompany us we will be leaving by 9:45am.

If you have any suggestions, questions or concerns please feel free to ask.

Here is what your child's menu was like this week:

B: Farina w/bananas
L: Grill Cheese, Green Beans and Apples
S: Peanut Butter Crackers

B: Cinnamon Toast w/raisins
L: Chicken Nuggets, Tatter tots and Cantaloupe
S: Goldfish

B: Cheerios w/Bananas
L: Mac & Cheese w/hot dogs, corn & apples
S: Animal Crackers

B: Waffles w/strawberries
S: Yogurt

August 29, 2008

Hello Mommies and Daddies,

Group story time will be starting this Friday @ 10am in my home and will continue every other Friday. This week we have about 10 other children attending with their parents. If there is ever a day that you are off from work or just wanted to join us please feel free! The theme is DUCKS and here is what we will be reading:

Dawdle Duckling by Toni BuzzeoIn every family there is one dreamer, the one who swims to the sound of his own drummer. Dawdle is that duckling, always looking for fun, excitement, something new, whether within his imagination or outside in the wide world. But will he get more than he's bargained for?

Ruby in Her Own Time by Jonathan Emmett & Rebecca HarryMother Duck and Father Duck are worried about Ruby. As the littlest duckling of the family, she learns to eat and swim long after her four sisters and brothers. Father Duck frets that Ruby will never catch up, but Mother Duck calmly reassures him that Ruby will flourish - "in her own time." Readers of all ages who have ever felt like the biggest or the littlest, the slowest or the fastest, or somewhere in between, will root for Ruby as she takes wing toward independence, at last. Once you've met Ruby, you'll never forget her!

Egg-Napped- by Marisa MontesCome join this hilarious romp through the forest as the Gabblers and their friends search high and low for the beloved Egg. Young readers will be surprised and delighted from beginning to end as this wild goose egg chase unfolds.Please feel free to bring something duck, wear something yellow etc. I will be giving out duck masks for the kids!!!

Here are some interesting newsletters I came across on the internet for working parents and age appropriate information:
Balancing Work and Family - Coming Home: Making the Transitionhttp://www.rockwellcollins.com/daycare/pdf/pm1404f.pdf123 Grow! A Newsletter for Parents of Toddlers: 16-18 Monthshttp://www.rockwellcollins.com/daycare/pdf/pm1071b.pdf123 Grow! A Newsletter for Parents of Toddlers: 34-36 Monthshttp://www.rockwellcollins.com/daycare/pdf/pm1071h.pdf

-For those children hitting age milestones and seeing their doctors, please make sure your medical forms are up to date. I can give your child's medical sheet so that the office does not have to fill out a new one and you can return the following day.
-All parents bring in juice on Tuesday

If you have any suggestions, questions or concerns please feel free to ask.

Here is what your child's menu was like this week:
B: Waffles & Rasberries
L: Chicken Nuggets with Tatter Tots and Apples
S: Animal Cracker

B: Pancakes w/Bananas
L: Spaghetti w/meatballs & tomato sauce and plums
S: Apple Cinnamon Cheerios

B: Bagels with Bananas
L: Spanish rice with beans, green beans and cantaloupe
S: Peanut Butter Crackers

B: Cheerios w/Bananas
L: Egg Omlet w/cheese hash brown and oranges
S: Cheese Crackers

B: Oatmeal w/Applesauce
L: Fishsticks, Bread, Carrots and Apples
S: Graham Crackers

August 22, 2008

Hello Mommies and Daddies,

Fall will be around the corner. Please feel free to ask me for your child's clothing so that you may change items for more appropriate for the upcoming weather. I suggest a sweater to add to their belongings.

September for my family is dentist month. It's easy to remember especially when school starts. Aiden will also have his first dental checkup. I've been reading that it is advised to take your toddler to the dentist when they turn a year old. Always take your toddler to a pediatric dentist if there is one available. Since toddlers may begin having loose teeth as early as 4 years old and they have baby teeth, they need to see the pediatric dentist because of their specialty in dental care for young children.

School for my children starts this upcoming week. In case of an emergency, where I can't reach my husband and have to pick up my child from school I would like every parent to sign an emergency transportation consent form. I don't foresee this happening but I'd like to be prepared in case the need should arise. As always, all children will be transported in the proper child safety seats. Within the next month or so, I will be getting more car seats so that parents won't have to leave me theirs.

-Stacey's Incredible Kids, LLC is closed on September 1st for Labor Day

If you have any suggestions, questions or concerns please feel free to ask.

Here is what your child's menu was like this week:

B: Waffles & Bananas
L: Turkey & Cheese Sandwich, carrots and apples
S: Peanut butter crackers

B: Pancakes w/Apples
L: Grilled cheese, veggie soup & peaches
S: Graham Crackers

B: Oatmeal w/applesauce
L: Meatballs on hot dog roll w/ tomato sauce & corn
S: Yogurt & graham crackers

B: Hash Browns & Toast w/peaches
L: Spaghetti w/tomato sauce & chicken
S: cheese Crackers

B: Bagels and Apples
L: Mac & Cheese with hot dog bits and Pears

August 15, 2008

Hello Mommies and Daddies,

I hope you are all enjoying the photos from our play dates and our trips. When the weather becomes colder we will be having a weekly or biweekly story time play date with our friends from Club MOM (mommy group). I believe the children enjoy having others come and play with them. When it becomes too cold to go out I plan to take the children on more field trips. I am hoping to take them to the zoo in September (all depends if Nelson is off from work) for a program called Zoo Tots: This program for children ages 18 months to three years may include stories, games, crafts and a live animal presentation. This session, entitled -Where Do I Live?? will focus on animal habitats. The cost is $15.

  • For any of my little ones having a birthday soon. You are welcome to send a special snack (cookies, cupcakes, etc.) to celebrate your child's birthday or any special day for your child if you would like. Please ask for the number of children attending that day so that we will have enough to go around. Please be considerate of the other children’s allergies and restrictions. I will inform you of any allergy restrictions for your child’s peers.

  • Please wait for notes or if I tell you to replenish wipes and diapers. Your child has a section of the changing table for storage and as more children come into my care storage will be at a premium. When asked for wipes please bring in several refills as they are use not only for diaper changes but for cleaning before and after meals and from coming from outdoors.

  • Sick Policy-Please review and adhere to your contract for the policies. As a courtesy, I will let the other parents know if my children or any children in my care is sick.

  • Please remember to sign out your child. If you forget or pick up your child outside please sign the sheet the next day (I will put in the time).

If you have any suggestions, questions or concerns please feel free to ask:

Here is what your child's menu was like this week:


B: Waffles & Bananas
L: Tuna Melt, Broccoli, Pears
S: Yogurt w/graham crackers

B: Cheese Sandwich w/Bananas
L: Egg Omelet w/cheese, Broccoli and potatoes
S: Bagel

B: Oatmeal w/applesauce
L: Chicken Nuggest, French Fries, String Beans, Apples
S: Goldfish

B: Bagel w/Bananas
L: Cheese Ravoli w/hot dog bits, carrots and Peaches
S: Peanut Butter Crackers

B: Cheerios & Bananas
L: Pasta w/beef and sauce, Green Beans, Apples

August 8, 2008

Hello Mommies and Daddies,

The new information bulletin board is up if you haven't noticed already--behind the entrance door of the house above where the shoes are put. Information on child safety, car seat safety, SIDS, nutrition pamphlets etc will be displayed. Feel free to look through them. You can borrow to read at home but would ask that you return as I do not have extra copies.

This Wednesday August 13th at 2:30 we will have an outside arts and crafts play date with all our new little friends again.

As an incentive-Anyone who refers my daycare and that person signs their child up you will get $25!!!!

Officially the daycare is called Stacey's Incredible Kids, LLC but it's unofficial names is the BOYS CLUB!! And yes with boys comes the rough a tumble fun! I would like help from all the parents on being GENTLE. This morning the boys and I were on the floor talking and touching our faces and hands and the person's next to them in a gentle manner. I either say nice or gentle to reinforce the action. So when your little ones throws a hand up at you or anyone else just hold there hand and show them the right way to touch someone. I will continue to go through this exercise daily and I'm sure with your help they will understand.

If you have any suggestions, questions or concerns please feel free to ask.

Here is what your child's menu was like this week:

B: Hot Oatmeal and Applesauce
L: Cheese Cubes, Peanut butter dip, Raisin Bread, Bananas, Apple Chunks
S: Goldfish

B: Bagel with Apples
L: Meat Loaf with mashed potatoes, Bread and green beans
S: Graham crackers

B: Cereal w/Bananas
L: Grilled Cheese, Green beans, grapes
S: Animal Crackers

B: Waffles with orange slices
L: Mac and Cheese with Turkey slices, green beans and grapes
S: Peanut Butter Crackers

B: Cereal and Yogurt
L: Pizza, apples and corn

August 1, 2008

Hello Mommies and Daddies,

Happy August 1st! The summer is flying by. As you know my boys are home for the next few weeks but will be returning to school at the end of August. Currently I am still looking for at least 2 more full timers (age 2+) so if you know anyone who is looking for childcare let me know.

If you haven't noticed already we have begun to paint the kitchen over. It's now easier to clean for those little sticky fingers (when we first bought the house it was flat paint!).

There was a slight mistake on the rate sheet I had distributed which is in your favor. It states a rate credit will only be done if daycare is closed due to illness and medical appointments of provider. Such credit will happen on next scheduled payment at $20. THIS IS INCORRECT. Per your contract it IS $25 per day for contract full-timers and $15 per day for contracted part-timers. No credit will be given to those on a daily rate.

Shortly, I will be putting up an information board behind the entrance door of the house above where the shoes are put. Information on child safety, car seat safety, SIDS, nutrition pamphlets etc will be displayed. Feel free to look through them. You can borrow to read at home but would ask that you return as I do not have extra copies.

If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to ask.

Here is what your child's menu was like this week:

B: Waffles w/Bananas
L: Mac& Cheese with hot dog bits, broccoli and applesauce
S: Cheese and crackers

B: Cinnamon Toast w/Cantaloupe
L: Egg & Cheese Omelet w/toast, green beans and grapes
S: Graham crackers

B: Cereal w/Bananas
L: Rice & Chicken w/Carrots, Mixed Fruit
S: Apples & Peanut Butter

B: French Toast Sticks w/Bananas
L: Beef Stew (potatoes, green beans & corn inside), Apples
S: Animal Crackers

B: Eggs Toast w/grapes
L: Grilled Cheese and Bananas