Welcome to your Stacey's Incredible Kids, LLC family daycare blog. Here you can see your child's updates, menus, pics, videos and all that's going on all in one place. Please keep coming back as this is your source of information. Please feel free to comment and become a follower!
December 30, 2008
Tuesday's Menu 12-30-08
December 29, 2008
2008 Annual Income Childcare Report
December 26, 2008
December 23, 2008
December 22, 2008
Happy Holidays!
What a day!!
After cleanup we took a short break in order that Osi could prepare the Lakas and I had time to make the rest of lunch. There is a custom of eating foods fried or baked in oil (preferably olive oil), as the original miracle involved the discovery of a small flask of pure olive oil used by the Jewish High Priest. This small batch of olive oil was only supposed to last one day, and instead it lasted eight. All I have to say is YUMMY..I can't get enough of them! So sad I have to wait a whole year for them!
The children went home with a their hands full today with gifts and a gift bag. I'm sure this special day will become a tradition at the daycare.
Monday's Menu 12-22-08
December 19, 2008
December 18, 2008
Tomorrow's Weather
Thursday's Menu 12-18-08
December 17, 2008
Tre's Call/Brawling
Nothing beats the afternoon blues like a good brawl
Wednesday's Menu 12-17-08
December 16, 2008
My First Vacation
Tuesday's Menu 12-16-08
December 15, 2008
-Please bring juice in by the end of the week
-Please bring in a small baby powder by next week
-Please let me know if you will be bringing in your child on the December 26 and/or January 2.
Spots Available...
Monday's Menu 12-15-08
Mashed Potatoes
Cheese Crackers
December 12, 2008
Friday's Menu 12-12-8
December 11, 2008
Thursday's Menu 12-11-08
December 10, 2008
There is a bad cold/flu going around with cough, fever, runny nose and body aches. Because of this children may not eat as much or may be just having an "off" day. Our schedules will be adjusted to accommodate their needs.
*Children with fever of 101 degrees, lethergic and/or just plain miserable will be sent home.
Breakfast is served between 8:30am-9:00am.
Lunch is served anywhere between 12:15-1:30pm.
If you drop off your child late or have to take your child to an appointment note that meals will not be served after the above times.
Cleaning House?
If you are are looking to get rid of toys just before the holidays to make room for new toys please feel free to donate your gently used toys to the daycare.
Wednesday's Menu 12-10-08
December 9, 2008
Reminder about Fees.....
LATE FEE: There is a "no pay - no stay" policy. If payment is not received on Monday, or on the first scheduled day if care, or agreed upon day a $10 late fee will be charged daily in addition to that week's daycare fees and your child will not be allowed to attend daycare. Two (2) late payments can be grounds for termination of care. Payment is based on enrollment and not on attendance and needs to be paid when children are gone due to illness, a day off, vacations, holidays, or when daycare is closed.
BOUNCED CHECK FEES: If a check is returned for non-sufficient funds, you will be required to pay a fee of $30.00 plus an additional $10 a day until payment is made in full. After two bounced checks, cash or money order will only be accepted as payment.
LATE PICKUP FEES: Parents will be granted a grace period of 15 minutes after their scheduled pick-up time, after which the following overtime rate, applies: $10 per every 15 minutes the parent is late. Overtime fees are to be paid when the parent arrives to pick up the child or the next day of care. Late pick-up is anything before or beyond the scheduled time that is determined at enrollment and entered on signed agreement. If a child is consistently picked up late or dropped off early you may be asked to find another source of child care that better suits your hours of need.
ANNUAL ENROLLMENT FEE: Please keep in mind that enrollment is on a first come, first serve basis and there is no guarantee that we can hold a spot open for your child without a deposit. An annual enrollment fee of $50.00 per child will be due on or before enrollment and every year on or before your enrollment date. The deposit is non-refundable and is not applied towards the first week tuition.
Holiday Celebrations!
Channuka Day will be celebrated on Monday December 22nd which is the first day of Channuka. Here are some of the activities we have planned with the help Zohar's mom Osi.
1. Story of Channuka -A reading or the story and/or video of the rugrats channuka
2. Craft: Handprint Menorah
3. Latka's snack
4. Lighting of the menorah.
5. Coloring pages
6. Small gifts of Dreidles and Geld (chocolate coins) to take home
Tuesday's Menu 12-9-08
Hot dogs
Graham Crackers
December 8, 2008
Monday's Menu 12-8-08
Karissa's Last Day...

December 5, 2008
The daycare will be closed on December 24 and 25th for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. We will be open on December 26. Subsequently, will be closed on December 31st and January 1st for New Year's Eve and New Year's Day. We will be open on January 2nd.
If you do not plan to send your child to daycare on December 26 and/or January 2 please let me know.
Next Week Field Trip!!
Friday's Menu 12-5-08
December 4, 2008
Thursday's Menu 12-4-08
December 3, 2008
Wednesday's Menu 12-3-08
December 2, 2008
Tuesday's Menu 12-2-08
December 1, 2008
Potty Training is coming to town....
If you are willing to participate please provide a potty chair for you child that has a lid (similar to http://www.amazon.com/Graco-Soft-Seat-Potty-Trainer/dp/B000067K22/ref=pd_bbs_7?ie=UTF8&s=baby-products&qid=1228157256&sr=8-7 ) by December 31, 2008. With all on board, at the beginning of the new year, we will have the children sit in there potty seats at least twice a day after their meals. I had planned to get my own son a potty chair at this time. Hopefully we can get some of the children ready for pre-school. And the younger ones will participate and take interest because it will be group effort.
This is a supplement to those who have already started potty training so continue your efforts at home. I ask that all who participate follow these rules
Do not wear onesies, overalls, or hard to remove clothing and continue to wear diapers. Please let me know if your child will be participating..
Last minute Holiday Gifts
Of all the toys at the daycare, Lucas find this his favorite --along with the pirate ship. He'll sit for hours pushing the Fisher price animal train. Some of the other children have to fight to get their hands on it!
Karissa find bowls fun! All the children love playing with the play bowls and cups with the utencils and pretend to stir things up.
What boy doesn't like cars??? Izaiah as well as all the children love these shake n' go cars. These are the older models that my sons use to play with and they are still going strong!
This is a big hit and great for sharing. I've seen these in smaller sizes and large table sizes which hopefully in the future I can purchase for the daycare. I have no idea what they are called!
And some kids like the simple things like boxes, crates or anything they can crawl into. I have a tunnel that the children also love to go through. I've just purchased these different sized bumpy balls that simulate the kids.