Welcome to your Stacey's Incredible Kids, LLC family daycare blog. Here you can see your child's updates, menus, pics, videos and all that's going on all in one place. Please keep coming back as this is your source of information. Please feel free to comment and become a follower!
December 30, 2008
Tuesday's Menu 12-30-08
December 29, 2008
2008 Annual Income Childcare Report
December 26, 2008
December 23, 2008
December 22, 2008
Happy Holidays!
What a day!!
After cleanup we took a short break in order that Osi could prepare the Lakas and I had time to make the rest of lunch. There is a custom of eating foods fried or baked in oil (preferably olive oil), as the original miracle involved the discovery of a small flask of pure olive oil used by the Jewish High Priest. This small batch of olive oil was only supposed to last one day, and instead it lasted eight. All I have to say is YUMMY..I can't get enough of them! So sad I have to wait a whole year for them!
The children went home with a their hands full today with gifts and a gift bag. I'm sure this special day will become a tradition at the daycare.
Monday's Menu 12-22-08
December 19, 2008
December 18, 2008
Tomorrow's Weather
Thursday's Menu 12-18-08
December 17, 2008
Tre's Call/Brawling
Nothing beats the afternoon blues like a good brawl
Wednesday's Menu 12-17-08
December 16, 2008
My First Vacation
Tuesday's Menu 12-16-08
December 15, 2008
-Please bring juice in by the end of the week
-Please bring in a small baby powder by next week
-Please let me know if you will be bringing in your child on the December 26 and/or January 2.
Spots Available...
Monday's Menu 12-15-08
Mashed Potatoes
Cheese Crackers
December 12, 2008
Friday's Menu 12-12-8
December 11, 2008
Thursday's Menu 12-11-08
December 10, 2008
There is a bad cold/flu going around with cough, fever, runny nose and body aches. Because of this children may not eat as much or may be just having an "off" day. Our schedules will be adjusted to accommodate their needs.
*Children with fever of 101 degrees, lethergic and/or just plain miserable will be sent home.
Breakfast is served between 8:30am-9:00am.
Lunch is served anywhere between 12:15-1:30pm.
If you drop off your child late or have to take your child to an appointment note that meals will not be served after the above times.
Cleaning House?
If you are are looking to get rid of toys just before the holidays to make room for new toys please feel free to donate your gently used toys to the daycare.
Wednesday's Menu 12-10-08
December 9, 2008
Reminder about Fees.....
LATE FEE: There is a "no pay - no stay" policy. If payment is not received on Monday, or on the first scheduled day if care, or agreed upon day a $10 late fee will be charged daily in addition to that week's daycare fees and your child will not be allowed to attend daycare. Two (2) late payments can be grounds for termination of care. Payment is based on enrollment and not on attendance and needs to be paid when children are gone due to illness, a day off, vacations, holidays, or when daycare is closed.
BOUNCED CHECK FEES: If a check is returned for non-sufficient funds, you will be required to pay a fee of $30.00 plus an additional $10 a day until payment is made in full. After two bounced checks, cash or money order will only be accepted as payment.
LATE PICKUP FEES: Parents will be granted a grace period of 15 minutes after their scheduled pick-up time, after which the following overtime rate, applies: $10 per every 15 minutes the parent is late. Overtime fees are to be paid when the parent arrives to pick up the child or the next day of care. Late pick-up is anything before or beyond the scheduled time that is determined at enrollment and entered on signed agreement. If a child is consistently picked up late or dropped off early you may be asked to find another source of child care that better suits your hours of need.
ANNUAL ENROLLMENT FEE: Please keep in mind that enrollment is on a first come, first serve basis and there is no guarantee that we can hold a spot open for your child without a deposit. An annual enrollment fee of $50.00 per child will be due on or before enrollment and every year on or before your enrollment date. The deposit is non-refundable and is not applied towards the first week tuition.
Holiday Celebrations!
Channuka Day will be celebrated on Monday December 22nd which is the first day of Channuka. Here are some of the activities we have planned with the help Zohar's mom Osi.
1. Story of Channuka -A reading or the story and/or video of the rugrats channuka
2. Craft: Handprint Menorah
3. Latka's snack
4. Lighting of the menorah.
5. Coloring pages
6. Small gifts of Dreidles and Geld (chocolate coins) to take home
Tuesday's Menu 12-9-08
Hot dogs
Graham Crackers
December 8, 2008
Monday's Menu 12-8-08
Karissa's Last Day...

December 5, 2008
The daycare will be closed on December 24 and 25th for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. We will be open on December 26. Subsequently, will be closed on December 31st and January 1st for New Year's Eve and New Year's Day. We will be open on January 2nd.
If you do not plan to send your child to daycare on December 26 and/or January 2 please let me know.
Next Week Field Trip!!
Friday's Menu 12-5-08
December 4, 2008
Thursday's Menu 12-4-08
December 3, 2008
Wednesday's Menu 12-3-08
December 2, 2008
Tuesday's Menu 12-2-08
December 1, 2008
Potty Training is coming to town....
If you are willing to participate please provide a potty chair for you child that has a lid (similar to http://www.amazon.com/Graco-Soft-Seat-Potty-Trainer/dp/B000067K22/ref=pd_bbs_7?ie=UTF8&s=baby-products&qid=1228157256&sr=8-7 ) by December 31, 2008. With all on board, at the beginning of the new year, we will have the children sit in there potty seats at least twice a day after their meals. I had planned to get my own son a potty chair at this time. Hopefully we can get some of the children ready for pre-school. And the younger ones will participate and take interest because it will be group effort.
This is a supplement to those who have already started potty training so continue your efforts at home. I ask that all who participate follow these rules
Do not wear onesies, overalls, or hard to remove clothing and continue to wear diapers. Please let me know if your child will be participating..
Last minute Holiday Gifts
Of all the toys at the daycare, Lucas find this his favorite --along with the pirate ship. He'll sit for hours pushing the Fisher price animal train. Some of the other children have to fight to get their hands on it!
Karissa find bowls fun! All the children love playing with the play bowls and cups with the utencils and pretend to stir things up.
What boy doesn't like cars??? Izaiah as well as all the children love these shake n' go cars. These are the older models that my sons use to play with and they are still going strong!
This is a big hit and great for sharing. I've seen these in smaller sizes and large table sizes which hopefully in the future I can purchase for the daycare. I have no idea what they are called!
And some kids like the simple things like boxes, crates or anything they can crawl into. I have a tunnel that the children also love to go through. I've just purchased these different sized bumpy balls that simulate the kids.
Monday's Menu 12-1-08
November 26, 2008
Wednesday's Menu 11-26-08
November 25, 2008
When the Halloween pumpkins are gone,
First the napkins are placed on our laps;
Tuesday's Menu 11-25-2008
November 24, 2008
Monday's Menu 11-24-08

Monday Graphic Comments
Two photos of your child were due today so that they can create their own personalized decoration to put on the tree. Since it's a short week and the tree won't be up for at least another week please send in by Friday December 5th.
Wipes were also due today
Thanks to those who have already sent in your photos and wipes!
We are going to have a grand feast tomorrow here is what everyone is bringing in..
Aiden-Turkey and mashed potatoes
Izaiah-pie and ice cream
Lucas-Corn Muffins
Tre-Sweet Potatoes
November 21, 2008
Thanksgiving-to those in need
I thought I would put together a quick list of ways you can donate to help the hungry and homeless in Bridgeport this Thanksgiving. If you know of someone who needs help you can pass this information along. Here it is below.
From The Council of Churches of Greater Bridgeport :
"Did you know that every day 30,000 people run the risk of going hungry in Greater Bridgeport? Of this number, approximately 30% are children? And most of the other 70% are homeless teens, seniors, and adults with acute personal, medical, job or life problems that seriously impact their ability to earn a living wage? Although it is unsettling to learn that national figures cite Bridgeport as among our nation's cities with the highest child poverty rates, the number of working poor is particularly disturbing. In one of the wealthiest states in the country, even with at least one parent in the workforce, 26% of Connecticut children are living in poverty."
** The Hunger Outreach Program of The Council of Churches of Greater Bridgeport provides support services to a network of 34 local congregations and community groups that provide direct services to our neediest neighbors in Bridgeport, Stratford, Trumbull, Monroe and Fairfield. Hunger Outreach also applies for and distributes funds from FEMA to pay for immediate needs — food and necessary equipment — and works to secure long-term funding from U.S. Departments of Agriculture and Health and Human Services. Hunger Outreach also works with community partners to find long-term solutions to the growing problem of hunger in our community, and serves as an advocate for both the individuals facing hunger and the groups who work to help them. Staff coordinates community efforts to recruit of volunteers needed at local sites and assists with local and national food drives. Feeding Sites - Hunger Outreach, working with local congregations and community groups prepared and served over 1,000,000 meals last year. This network of over 34 food kitchens, pantries and mobile units is made up of mostly volunteers, and works seven days a week, 365 days a year to feed needy families and individuals. Hunger Outreach programs currently serve about 50% of those suffering from hunger in the Greater Bridgeport area. We want to do more. And with your help we can. For more information, please contact Byron Crosdale at byroncrosdale@ccgb.org. Or go to www.ccgb.org that lists the feeding sites.
** Thanksgiving Day Feast at United Congregational Church:
Thanksgiving Day November 27, 12:00 Noon – 3 pm. No Charge, No Reservations, Good Food, Good Music, Good Fellowship at United Congregational Church, 877 Park Avenue.
This is United's 8th Feast and with each year their guest numbers increase. They offer a delicious meal, with as many extra helpings as one would want, as well as bags of fresh fruit, toiletries and a vast array of warm clothing from Joyce's Closet. This year with our economy being what it is, with folks losing jobs, struggling with mortgage/rent payments and utilities costs, they anticipate a larger number than ever to partake in United's invitation to dinner. With this in mind, they are asking members and friends of United for donations of hats, coats, scarves, gloves, warm clothing of any kind. For information, 203-335-3107 or go to www.uccbridgeport.org
** Black Rock Food Pantry To Open
Black Rock Food Pantry is set to open on November 22. To schedule a shopping appointment, individuals or heads of families may call the Food Pantry at 522-6247. A volunteer will either schedule your appointment after ascertaining that you qualify or, return your call as soon as possible if you leave a message with your return number. The Pantry is conveniently located at the corner of Fairfield Avenue and Princeton Street in Black Rock. If you are in need, don't hesitate to give us a call, now. If you know of an individual or family in need of assistance to supplement their food budget through this service, tell them about us.There are no costs associated with this service to the Black Rock community. All qualifying individuals and families should avail themselves of this opportunity. The plan for now is to open every Saturday of the month by appointment. More days may be added as need arises. The Black Rock Food Pantry thanks all those individuals who volunteered their time to make this community service possible.
** Greater Bridgeport Salvation Army Seeks Donations for Thanksgiving Food Aid
The Greater Bridgeport Salvation Army seeks donations of nonperishable food items and cash in support of its annual Thanksgiving food distribution for families living in Bridgeport and three nearby towns.Major Michael Sharpe, the organization's area coordinator, said the number of families seeking help has increased dramatically due to the poor economy.
"At present, we serve an average of 600 to 1,000 mostly working families monthly in our food pantry," Sharpe said. "For Thanksgiving, we anticipate serving 1,500 to 2,000 eligible families in the greater Bridgeport area, which is double the number served last year."
Food items that can be donated include stuffing mix and instant potatoes; canned fruits, yams, vegetables and gravy; packaged desserts and mixes; and juices, coffee, tea and soda. In addition, cash donations are needed to purchase turkeys and other perishable food items.
The local Salvation Army provides programs year-round to support children, families and senior citizens. Last year, its emergency food pantry provided more than 200,000 meals to about 12,000 families. Its Weekend Backpack program provides seven meals each weekend to eligible children in three Bridgeport schools. Thanksgiving food donations can be dropped off weekdays from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. by Monday, Nov. 24 at the Salvation Army downtown office, 30 Elm St. Checks can be dropped off at, or mailed to (zip code is 06604) the same location. Call 334-0995
** Bridgeport Rescue Mission - Thanksgiving Compassion In Action
Bridgeport Rescue Mission w has recorded a 60% increase in meals provided from 2007 to 2008. And we expect to see record number of folks joining us for meals during the Thanksgiving day holiday. The week of Thanksgiving the mission is preparing to provide an expected 6,400 meals to the hungry and homeless of Fairfield County. We anticipate at least a crowd of 1,400 at our annual Great Thanksgiving banquet on Sunday, Nov. 23 at Golden Hill Methodist Church. We'll also distribute Thanksgiving Pantry Boxes through our mobile kitchen as it travels to sites in Bridgeport, and South Norwalk.
We are calling on friends like you to assist with the massive amounts of food we will need to feed so many people during the holidays and all year round. Please bring donations to our kitchen at 1088 Fairfield Avenue. See web site for list of types of food needed If you are unable to shop or would prefer to make a monetary donation, online at www.bridgeportrescuemission.org to help cover the additional costs of Thanksgiving and Christmas. We believe that no one should go hungry especially during the holidays.
Here's how you, your school, church, business, community organization, Youth Group, or Sunday School class can help during the holidays: Pantry Box Distribution Volunteer Teams -Help us distribute Thanksgiving Pantry Boxes to the working poor - Thursday, November 20 thru Wednesday, November 26 , Must be 18 years old.
Bridgeport Rescue Mission Great Thanksgiving Banquet – Sunday, Nov. 23, Golden Hill United Methodist Church, 210 Elm Street, Bridgeport. Questions? Call (203) 333-4087 and leave a message or go to www.bridgeportrescuemission.org
** The Food Bank of Lower Fairfield County is lower Fairfield County's primary hunger-relief organization. We provide food to about 100 non-profit agencies and programs that serve low income people in our six town service area through bags of groceries and congregate meals. These include soup kitchens, food pantries, child care programs, homeless shelters, senior centers, domestic violence safe houses, and rehabilitation programs. 203) 358-8898 www.foodbanklfc.org To serve as an efficient and effective provider of nutritious food to non-profit organizations that feed the hungry in Darien, Greenwich, New Canaan, Norwalk, Stamford and Wilton (note: does not serve Bridgeport), while seeking to raise awareness of and promote action to combat hunger in those communities.
You can also find a comprehensive list of over 40 places in Bridgeport where you can donate food at this email address: http://tinyurl.com/6xzzmr
New Videos
These videos are taken from Nelson's video camera from the last time we were outside. Wanted to see how well they transferred to the blog. Enjoy!
Friday's Menu 11-21-2008
Cheerios and apples
Cheese Ravoli with tomato sauce
New Policy
After much thought I have decided that parents no longer need to provide a snack for their child. Your child still will be given 1-2 snacks a day. It just makes it easier for me to give everyone the same snack. If you have a questions just let me know.
November 21, 2008
Tuesday November 25th-Thanksgiving arts and crafts and lunch. We would like that each child bring in something to share for a Thanksgiving lunch. I will be supplying turkey. Please let me know what you will be bringing i.e. corn muffins, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, vegetables, pie
-My neighbor has offered the use of her driveway for the parents of the daycare for quick drop off and pickups.
-Scholastic Book is having a customer appreciation warehouse sale. Save 25-80% off the cover price on books, software, gifts, and more at our Holiday Warehouse Sale. This has nothing to do with the book you purchase directly from me but I figured it would be a great place for you to get a great sale for the holidays. Information below:
Warehouse sales are exclusively for educators, homeschoolers, and Book Fair chairpeople / volunteers. It's our way of thanking you for your commitment to helping children become life long learners.
Register for a sale now! Sign up to get your Fast-Cart Pass to bypass the sign-in lines and you'll receive a valuable coupon worth $10 off a purchase of $50 or more. To get started, enter a zip code or select a state to find a book sale near you. http://www.scholastic.com/bookfairs/events/warehouse/
Scholastic Book Fairs
90 Old Sherman Turnpike
Danbury, CT 06816(800) 272-2665
Sat., 12/06/2008 - Sat., 12/13/2008
Monday 12/8 - Friday 12/12 - 11am-8pm
Saturday 12/13 - 9am-4pm
Closed Sunday
-The daycare is closed on Thanksgiving Thursday 27th and Friday 28th. Some parents have told me that they will be picking up their child early or they will not be attending at all Wednesday. Please let me know as I have moved the Thanksgiving activities to Tuesday.
-After the Thanksgiving holiday please bring in 3 packs of sensitive wipes refills. These are used for diaper changes as well as for little hands after each meal.
Question of the week
Would you pay more for a daycare that included wipes and diapers?
November 20, 2008
Thursday's Menu 11-20-08
Pancakes and Bananas
French Fries
Vanilla Cookies
November 19, 2008
Wednesday's Menu 11-19-08
November 18, 2008
Tuesday's Menu 11-18-08
Monday's Menu 11-17-08
November 17, 2008
Everyone on Board?!
Once you have confirmed your address let me know and I will test for you. If you haven't been on the blog for a while you can check out the past posts that also have pictures and videos.
Wanted to know how everyone felt about the weekly updates. Would anyone rather have the lunch menus posted everyday? I know sometimes it's hard to come home and cook and you probably rather not make the same meal I made for lunch. Let me know your thoughts on this as I can easily send that information everyday and leave reminders, updates and any news for Fridays. You can shoot me an email or post your comments directly on the blog.
Just a reminder that we have a field trip to the playground at Trumbull mall. There will be no cost associated with this trip. I will ask that some of you leave us your child's car seat. Transportation consent forms will be waiting by the sign in sheet for each child today.
November 14, 2008
November 14, 2008

Graphics for Seasons Comments
Please be careful when walking up the driveway, stairs or through the grass. When it’s cold and wet it’s hard to see the slippery spots. Please make sure the little ones don’t step on the rocks as they can hurt themselves. I’ve begun to put my car in the carport so that you have access to the driveway if needed. Please do not block the driveway!
I would love to know more about you, your child, your views and thoughts. Please feel free to be funny in your answers. Remember there are no wrong answers! You can send back through email. Here are a couple of questions I would like you to answer:
Up and Coming Events
Trumbull Mall playground trip scheduled for Tuesday
-We will be putting up a Christmas tree and a Hanukkah Manora very soon. We will have a day in December to talk about Hanukkah. Zohar’s mom Osi, will help with that special day’s activities including the meal of Latkas (potato pancakes) and Suvganyot (jelly donuts).
-Please send in at less two photos of your child by November 24th so that they can create their own personalized decoration to put on the tree (remember you can purchase pictures that I have already taken on Kodakgallery.com).
-Please bring in juice next week. (All juice should be 100% juice)
B: Wheat Bagels and oranges
L: Grilled Cheese, hardboiled eggs, bread, corn and apples
S: Animal Crackers
B: French toast sticks w. bananas
L: Chicken Nuggets, Rice, black beans, Corn, Grapes
S: Graham crackers
B: Pancakes and Bananas
L: Chicken Nuggets, wheat bread, Mixed Veggies, Oranges
S: goldfish
B: Oatmeal and applesauce
L: Scrambled eggs w. cheese, Green beans, wheat toast and apples
S: Cheese Crackers/Peanut Butter Crackers
B: Cheerios and Bananas
L: mac and cheese, carrots, grapes
S: applesauce and graham crackers
November 12, 2008
Books Orders
I've just received a scholastic flyer for holiday gift books The flyer contains 12 pages box sets and gifts for grades K-6. Great ideas and affordable gifts for those last minute holiday gifts. I will leave the flyer in your child's bin. To get these items before the holiday this flyer will be due by the 21st.
November 10, 2008
Helping Hand Video
It's cute to see when the kids start showing empathy and want to help someone close to them. Watch in this video on how simple jumping around turns into lessons on helping each other up. If you are on the floor at home ask your child to help you get up. I'm sure you can come up with other things they want to help you with--all great lessons.
Change of Plans--Thursday
November 7, 2008
November 7, 2008
Sign In/Out Procedures-Parents are expected to sign their child in and out each and every day of attendance. Please help your child with their personal effects before leaving by placing them in their bins or hooks provided.
Personal Belongings -Parents are asked to see that their children do not bring toys from home. Please do not put me in an uncomfortable situation where I have to take the item away or say no to the child. Please NO small things that the little ones could put in their mouths. Property brought to day care is not my responsibility. I cannot and will not be responsible for lost or broken items.
Toilet Training-Potty training should begin at home over a long weekend or holiday. Thanksgiving holiday is coming this would be a great opportunity to work with your child over the 4 day vacation. It is not responsibility to implement toilet train but rather to continue the work you have successfully started.
Immunizations-Children will not be retained unless all immunizations are up-to-date. It is the parents’ responsibility to ensure timeliness of immunizations.
Administering Medications-I will not administer any type of medication! In the past I have made an exception or two but I will not anymore. Please do not ask.
Late pick up fees- I have been very lenient when it comes to late pick up fees. I will now be holding parents responsible for any late pickups as they do interfere with the personal time. Parents are granted a grace period of 15 minutes after their scheduled pick-up time, after which the following overtime rate, applies: $10 per every 15 minutes the parent is late. Even if you call to tell me you are going to be late or ask me to watch your child past the contracted agreement this fee applies. Overtime fees are to be paid before or at your next drop off.
I am currently working on our 2009 rates. Though I will be increasing my rates significantly I will not be passing on the full rate increases to those who are currently attending. I will let you know in advance what your increase, if any, will be.
Up and Coming Events
-Trumbull Mall playground trip scheduled for Thursday
-Tuesday is Veterans Day. We are opened.
-Scholastic orders are due November 14th. You can either give me cash or check or go online and pay by credit card.
Menu for the week:
B: French toast w.bananas
L: “Patty Melt”: Ground beef on toast with cheese, Broccoli and corn, apple slices
S: Animal Crackers
B: French toast sticks w. bananas
L: Cheese ravioli with meat sauce, broccoli and applesauce
S: Graham crackers
B: Cornbread and apples
L: Chicken Nuggets, wheat bread, French fries, Mixed Veggies
S: cheese crackers
B: Cheerios w. bananas
L: Mac and cheese with hot dog bits, corn, peaches
S: corn muffins
B: Pancakes and apples
L: Fishsticks, cheese, wheat bread, apples
November 3, 2008
It's $6 for admission. $10 if you want to buy a snack for the cinema if not please supply a juice box and snack for your child.
October 31, 2008
October 31, 2008
-We had two reported a cases of pink eye this week. I’m happy to report that no one else has contracted it and hopefully all the little runny noses will come to a stop soon.
-Today you will be receiving a progress report on your child. Consider this your child’s first report card. It consists of various skills that each child will eventually master before they head to school. I will be updating these reports every 3 months, so that you can see how your child is developing, what s/he is working on, and what needs improvement. Feel free to ask me any questions.
Up and Coming Events
My husband is off on vacation this coming week so we will be going on local field trips that have yet to be determined (i.e. mall, movies, etc). I will let you know that night before or the day of where we plan to go and if there are any costs associated with the trip.
-Tuesday is Election Day. We are opened. Get out there and vote!
-Scholastic orders for November and December Honeybees (Toddlers to Fours) catalogs are due by November 14th. There are some great holiday books and items to give as gifts! I encourage all parents to read with your children every day. It’s amazing how much they enjoy story time. I believe it’s the only time they actually sit and pay attention together as a group.
Menu for the week:
B: Cinnamon Toast w. grapes
L: Mashed Potatoes, chicken cutlets, green beans
S: Animal Crackers
B: Pancakes w. bananas
L: Chicken Nuggets, French Fries, Wheat bread and mixed veggies
S: Graham crackers
B: Toast and apples
L: Fish sticks, wheat bread, corn and grapes
S: cheese crackers
B: Cheerios w. bananas
L: Spaghetti and meatballs and apples
S: Mozzarella sticks
B: Oatmeal and apples
L: Turkey and cheese Sandwich, grapes, carrots
October 29, 2008
This Friday--Halloween Plans
- Making a collage of the leaves we collected
- Creating a paper bag ghost
- Coloring Halloween theme worksheets
- pictures outside (if the weather permits otherwise inside)
- devouring yummy treats bought in by the parents and Ms. Stacey
Usually the children receive snacks and then go down for naps around 11:00am. Friday I will be pushing back naps until 1pm after lunch so I suspect most will be sleeping by the time they are to be picked up.
October 27, 2008
The eye is generally red with some burning, and there may be some yellow drainage. The child must be kept at home for 24 hours once treatment has begun. If after 24 hours there is excessive drainage, the child will not be admitted to the daycare until the drainage has stopped.
You can look here more information about conjunctivitis http://kidshealth.org/parent/infections/eye/conjunctivitis.html
If you have any questions please feel free to ask.
October 24, 2008
October 24, 2008
It is now easier for you to get in contact with me during the day. It is sometimes hard for me to answer the phone but now I have a laptop and can periodically check and answer emails to parents concerning children. I do update parents regularly if their child is feeling under the weather or if I have any concerns. Contact me anytime at staceysincrediblekids@hotmail.com
Up and Coming Events
-We are going to the movies on October 28th at 10:00 at the Connecticut Post 14 in Milford. The feature is Spookley the Square Pumpkin. The cost is $4.00 per ticket. They also offer a $4.00 kid’s concession combo which is optional, if you prefer just send their regular snack and a portable juice box.
-Please dress your child up in their Halloween costume this Friday as we will be taking pictures and working on fun Halloween crafts. Please feel free to bring a Halloween treat for the group (There are a total of 6 children). I believe Zohar’s mommy is already bringing cupcakes.
-Online scholastic orders and monies are due this Monday. If you are not comfortable using online please feel free to write down your order and I will submit.
-They daycare will be CLOSING EARLY on October 31st. Your child must be picked up no later than 3:00pm.
Menu for the week:
B: Cinnamon Toast sticks w. bananas
L: Chicken Nuggets, rice, broccoli, and pears
S: Animal Crackers
B: Chocolate chip pancakes w. bananas
L: Cheese Cubes, raisin Bread, apples chucks, banana slices and yogurt
S: Goldfish
B: Cinnamon Toast w. apples and raisins
L: Spaghetti and ground beef w. three cheese tomato sauce and grapes
S: Graham Crackers
B: Cheerios w.bananas
L: Mac & Cheese, Hot Dogs, Mixed Veggies, applesauce
S: Muffins
B: Scrambled eggs and toast
L: Spanish Rice w.chicken, Corn, Apples
October 20, 2008
Change of Plans
October 19, 2008
Halloween Photo Opp
Bring your child in full costume and have some shots of your little gobblen.
Photos will be sent via Kodakgallery.com for your to purchase on your own.
Please let me know if you will be attending as this meeting was originally for the group I normally take pictures and I wanted to extend the invitation to the parents of the daycare. There will be a wait as there are approximately 10 children coming.
There will be a $2 charge per kid.
Sick Policy Information
Sick Policy
We are under very strict guidelines regarding disease control; hence there may be times when we are either forced to send an ill child home, or not to accept an ill child into care. For that reason, parents would be wise to have a plan for alternate care. If a child becomes ill at the daycare, we will do everything possible to comfort the child until the parent or emergency contact person arrives to take the child home. The child will have to be isolated from the other children and rest in a room in a quiet place. You will be expected to pick up your child immediately. (We are not equipped to handle sick children)
Parents will be notified and required to remove the child immediately if a child exhibits any of the following symptoms:
- Fever of 101 ◦F. The temperature must have been down to normal for a 24-hour period before the child returns.
- Symptoms and signs of possible severe illness, such as lethargy that is more than expected tiredness, uncontrolled coughing, inexplicable or persistent crying, difficulty breathing, wheezing or other unusual signs for the child
- No child will be permitted to stay with diarrhea or any flu-like symptoms. The symptoms must have been back to normal for a 24-hour period before the child may return.
- Vomiting
- Difficulty in swallowing
- Mouth sores unless doctor determines that the child is not contagious
- Unexplained spots or rashes
- Conjunctivitis (defined as the whites of the eye being pink or red and having white, yellow or green discharge from the eyes)
- Head Lice - Child must remain home until treated and nit free.
- Any other symptoms which, in the opinion of the caregiver, indicate the possible presence of contagious disease such as chicken pox, measles, impetigo, etc.
Parents will be notified of contagious diseases affecting the children at the center. This information will be conveyed via a letter to each family. A child with a communicable disease will NOT be readmitted into care until the period of contamination has passed, or until the child has fully recovered from his or her illness. Parents of all children in care are required to complete and submit to the caregiver a child medical report.
Your child may be brought to day care with a common cold (which means a slight cough and a clear runny nose, and sneezing). However, I will call if your child is just plain miserable (whining, crying, repeatedly asking for you). The provider reserves the right to determine when a child should be sent home. If you are unsure whether your child is well enough to attend daycare, please call me so we can discuss the symptoms and make a decision on the phone. PLEASE do not mask your child's symptoms with over-the-counter medications. A sick child should be allowed to recuperate fully at home after an illness so that other children and the provider do not risk unnecessary exposure. If your child is out for an illness regular daycare fees still apply. Please call me one hour before your normal drop off time if your child will not be attending daycare on any given day.
Administer Medications
I will not administer any type of medication except non-prescription topical medications . These nonprescription topical medications must be accompanied by a signed consent form (see attached) and stored in its original container.
Diaper changing ointments free of antibiotic, antifungal, or steroidal components;
Medicated powders; and
Teething medications
Although I am trained in infant and toddler CPR, basic first aid, and recognition of communicable childhood diseases, I do not pretend to be a doctor, and will not under any circumstances provide any medications, including vitamins. It is also very important for me to be aware of ANY medications your child is being given at home so please keep me informed.
October 17, 2008
October 17, 2008
I would like to thank all the parents who have donated toys or items to the daycare! We really appreciate and use everything.
We have yet another part-timer starting this Wednesday. His name is Hayden and he is 2. He will be here Wednesdays thru Fridays. The addition of Hayden will have the daycare completely FULL! It's exciting since it has taken almost 5 months to start the daycare and get licensed and it has taken almost that long to fill it. We do have one after school spot available.
-I would like to invite the moms to a dinner hosted at my house on Thursday, October 23rd at 7:30pm. I've also invited the moms from the mommy group to join us. Please let me know if you will be joining us and if you would like to bring something. It will be great to have some adult conversation and food. Moms Only Please.
-We will be going to Barnes and Nobles in Milford on October 23rd for story time. The reader reads 3 or 4 stories related to a theme. Then there is an activity and song/dance. I guess you can say it's similar to our story time but instead we are getting out!
-Cold season is here and it seem many of the children have runny noses already (Including myself). Please provide a box of soft tissues to wipe their little noses. I have been teaching the older children to sneeze into their arm as not to spread germs. I will be posting the sick policy on the blog. If you have any questions about what our procedures are for sick children please free free to email or talk with me.
-Please bring juice for this week.
B: French toast stick w.bananas
L: Cheeseburgers, french fries and mixed fruit
S: Peanut butter crackers* (cheese crackers for those with allergies)
B: Pancakes w.bananas
L: Meatloaf w.potatoes and green beans
S: Animal crackers
B: Cinnamon Toast w.apples
L: Mac and cheese w.hot dog bits, green beans and applesauce
S: Raisins
B: Chocolate chip pancakes w.bananas
L: Fish sticks w.mixed veggies and cheese, wheat bread and apricots
S: Graham Crackers
B: Toast w.cheese and Mandarin oranges
L: Scrambled eggs and cheese w.mixed veggies toast and apples
S: Muffins
October 13, 2008
A word on Toilet Training.....
15 Signs of Potty Training Readiness
Your child is ready for potty training when he or she:
1. Has bowel movements at about the same time every day
2. Can stay dry for a few hours or wakes up dry from sleep
3. Knows that he/she has to go to the bathroom
4. Understands the association between dry pants and using the potty
5. Can pull her pants up and down
6. Lets you know when he/she has soiled his/her diaper (likes to stay dry)
7. Can follow simple directions like, "lets go to the potty"
8. Understands potty training terms (wet, dry, pee, poop, dirty and potty)
9. Can tell you he/she has to go to the bathroom
10. Imitates other family members
11. Shows interest and asks question while watching you
12. Wants to do things "by myself"
13. Enjoys washing his/her hands (like to be clean)
14. Gets upset if his/her belongings are not in their proper place
15. Wants to please you!
I do not use potty-chairs, I use adapters to an adult toilet. Any soiled clothing will be placed in a plastic bag to go home to be laundered. Please let us know when sending your child training pants so that we are prepared.
Potty training should begin at home over a long weekend or holiday. (HINT: The next long weekend would be Thanksgiving!!) Once you have had success at home for at least a week, your child may begin wearing pull ups at child care. You MUST provide me with at least 2 complete changes of clothing for your child. Under no circumstances will your child be allowed to potty train in regular underwear. This is for sanitary reasons! Regular underwear cannot contain urine and feces to prevent the spread of germs in my home, to other children in care and to my family. Please cooperate with me on this matter. Also, if you begin training, please notify me so that I can continue with all the work you have accomplished. Further, if within 1-2 weeks, your child shows no signs of progress or interest, I reserve the right to put your child back in diapers & try again in a few weeks.
NOTE: Pullups do not hold much urine/feces. If you continue to use pullups when your child is not ready there may be accidents. Your child will have to be changed more often and unfortunately pullups are more costly than diapers.
Please keep in mind that the activity level here can distract your child from responding to an urge to use the potty, more so than at your home. Therefore, I will continue to use diapers or pull-ups until your child can and will announce that he/she must use the bathroom (not just at home, but here, also) and can control his/her bladder and bowels for a few minutes beyond that announcement. Because of the number of children in my care and the fact I have no assistant I cannot bring your child to use the bathroom every hour thus the reason for the required verbal sign from your child needed to start potty training.
During toilet learning parents will need to supply:
• three complete changes of clothing (socks included)
• diapers or pull-ups for naptime.
Do not bring your child in panties or underwear until he/she has naptime and bedtime control established.
I also ask that during toilet learning, the child be dressed in "user-friendly" clothing as much as possible. The best items are shorts and pants with elastic waists, or dresses for girls.
AVOID: tight clothing, undershirt with snaps, pants with snaps and zippers, belts, and overalls . Sweatpant work great! Your child will want to help pull pants, etc. up and down, plus clothing with too many "gadgets" makes it harder to get the child on the potty in time.